Porn pt1

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Almost three hours, far too many embarrassing stories on Sapnap's part and a long explanation from Quackity on how much training to be a lawyer sucks in which Sapnap is totally enthralled, later; they're on their way out to call a cab and head to Quackity's apartment.

"My place is small." The omega forewarned with an embarrassed smile, "it was supposed to be temporary.. um, and then it wasn't and I couldn't afford anywhere else."

Sapnap doesn't push for context, despite how he wants to learn everything there is to know about this enigma of a curiosity, and only affirms him that as long as he has a bed big enough for two, he seriously doesn't mind, to which Quackity rolls his eyes with a fond smile.

Maybe it's the alcohol, or the knowledge that this is going to be his first time with anyone but Karl for years, but the exhilaration pumps through his veins like adrenaline, giving him enough confidence to press a kiss against the omega's hair while he pays the tab, and slip a hand into his while they walk out.

It's cold in the night air, and the Uber is five minutes away, so Quackity huddles into Sapnap's warmer arms without asking, pressing his face into his neck and tucking his arms around his waist and into his jacket. Sapnap breathes in Quackity's sweet scent thankfully, revelling in the feeling of the other in his arms despite how cold he may be being the bigger spoon. He would never complain though, not when Quackity smells so good, and his hugs are so comfortable.

Quackity shivers again, and Sapnap squeezes him tighter. "Your skin is freezing." He mutters to the omega as he strokes a finger over the goosebumps on his hands, and Quackity laughs. "I'm freezing. You're not a very good human-heater, Sap."

"Oh, I know just how to make you hot all over, baby, but it's a little inappropriate right here."

Quackity laughs harder and leans up so his nose is pressed against Sapnap's, both of them sharing warm breaths, "you get confident when you're drunk, you know that?"

Sapnap grins, flashing canines, "you act like you don't like it."

Quackity smiles widely, but doesn't bother replying properly as he stumbles to press his lips against Sapnap's. It's harsh and passionate, drunken lips biting at each other in attempts not to turn numb, and Sapnap figures that yeah, Quackity likes his confidence.

Tongues get involved quickly, and Sapnap keeps his knees from getting weak by taking control as best he can, bitching down the omega below him until he isn't just shaking from the cold. Quackity takes it obediently with the occasional quiet moan and desperate hands grasping under Sapnap's shirt.

Not being sober means Sapnap's previous anxieties are practically gone, and despite how it's certainly been a hot minute he doesn't hesitate before assuming charge of the situation. It's rare for Karl to bottom—not never, which is what most Alphas would say, but rare, he enjoys having a dick stuck in him but enjoys sticking his dick in others more, and Sapnap's happy either way—so it means it takes a few moments of getting used to the omega before he can properly use his tongue in the right ways. But when he gets the hang of it Quackity certainly isn't complaining.

He almost forgets they're literally standing in a freezing street in the middle of the night before their uber pulls up in front of them and honks its horn a few times in annoyance. The pair stumble into the car with plastered giggles, tripping over each other and touching anywhere they can get their hands. Quackity sighs out thankfully at the warmth of the car, and then they're whispering satirical dirty-talk to each other in the back seat and failing at holding back laughter when the names 'daddy' and 'mutt' are introduced.

The drive lasts about ten minutes, and by the end of it Sapnap feels warm and fuzzy; and not just because of the car-heating. Meeting someone with the intention of sleeping with them is a totally different story to meeting a friend of a friend, or someone who wants to sleep with you but you have a ring on your finger. It's more freeing in a way, and Sapnap can see why Karl does it. He'd almost forgotten the sense of comfort you can have with someone when you know they'll be sucking your dick later.

And Quackity is no different, Sapnap can feel himself genuinely enjoying his company, rather than just finding him attractive, and when Karl had sent him on this mission that was the last thing he was expecting to find. He knows hoping that they'll stay in touch after this is very unlikely, but he at least prays they can remain somewhat friends. 

802 words.

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