Chapter Eleven - Your Princess?

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*Tristen's POV*

I really messed up with Ryan this time. My best friend, the girl who's the most important to me, wants nothing to do with me. What have I done? 

It's almost midnight so I left the apartment me and the guys share. I went to the one place where I can always clear my head, the skate park. I didn't bother bringing my board, I plan to just sit on the half pipe and look up at the stars. Cheesy, I know, but it's what I do. 

When I got there, it wasn't what I expected. I saw the silhouette of a girl. On the ground at the bottom of the half pipe lay 3 broken bottles of alcohol. I walked over to her and saw the girl who punched me in the face a while ago. 


"Hmmm?" She slurred. 

I ran up the half pipe to her side. I grabbed her skateboard and put it in her backpack, making sure it wouldn't fall out. I slid down the ramp and grabbed her hand. 

"Little red, let's get you home." I whispered to her. 

She didn't say anything, just let me take her. Once her feet touched the cement, I picked her up bridal style. 

"You're lucky I found you instead of some creep." I whispered shakily. 

I didn't even want to think about what could've happened to her.  


After half an hour, we were outside her house. By now, she's passed out in my arms. Since I didn't have a key, I rang the doorbell in hopes that someone was awake. 

A couple seconds later, a frantic Liam opened the door. 

"Ryan!" He exclaimed relieved. "Where did you find her?" He asked as stepped out of the doorway, letting me in. 

"Drunk at the skate park." I said, making my way upstairs. 

"Thank you so much for bringing her home." He stated. 

I nodded my head as I placed her on her bed. We exited her room and I closed the door gently behind us. He led me to the living room where the rest of One Direction was. 

"What's he doing here?" Louis asked in disgust. 

"Where's Ryan?" Zayn asked. 

"Upstairs. Don't be rude Lou. Tristen was the one who found her and brought her home safely." Liam scolded. 

Louis just rolled his eyes and left the living room. 

"I'm gonna get going." I said awkwardly, walking towards the door. 

"Thanks for bringing my princess home." Niall smiled at me. 

His princess? They aren't even together and he knows nothing a out her! I want to punch him in the face so bad right now. 

"No problem." I chocked out, clenching my fists. 

I hurried out the door before I caused serious damage to that little leprechaun. 


*Liam's POV*

Tristen just left the house in a hurry. Me and the boys were worried sick about Ryan. Anything could've happened to her. I also recently realized that I didn't see Danielle the same way anymore, so I called her earlier and ended things. Ryan is the only girl for me, but I have some serious competition. It's not hard to see that the other lads like her too. 

"Your princess?!" Harry yelled at Niall. 

"Yea, is that a problem Harold?" Niall glared at him. 

"Actually it is a problem. She's my girl!" Harry exclaimed. 

"You're both wrong!" Louis shouted. "She's mine!" 

"You have Eleanor! What would she say?" Zayn yelled. 

"Nothing, because we broke up!" Louis blurted out. 

"You guys stop!" I yelled. "This is going to ruin our career before it even gets started. So no dating Simon's daughter." I told them sternly. 

"That goes for you too." Louis glared at me. 

That surprised me. Was I that obvious? 

The boys didn't say anything else but went upstairs to sleep. What a night.

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