Chapter Eighteen - Wait So You're Afraid Of Spiders?

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*Ryan's POV*

My eyes shot open to the sound of someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see my father looking at me with a disapproving look. I was confused as to why until I noticed the Louis Tomlinson asleep next to me, who had his arms protectively wrapped around my body. 

I did my best to release myself from his grasp. When I did, my father motioned for me to follow him. We went downstairs into his home office. He made sure the doors were closed before we sat down. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"Why was Louis in your bed?" 

"He was comforting me after Tristen was being an ass." I said blankly. 

"What'd he do? You guys seemed like a great couple a few days ago." He said. 

"Wait, how'd you know?" I questioned confused. 

"One Direction." He smiled. 

"Those losers." I laughed. 

"You know they really care for you. Most of them even fancy you." Simon said with a serious look on his face. 

"You're funny." I chuckled. 

"I'm serious." He said unamused. "Same thing with BTR. Even your friends." 

"I don't see how. Come on, look at me." I said gesturing to my baggy attire while I made an awesome face. 

"You really don't notice how those boys look at you, do you?" He asked, looking a bit concerned. 

"Nope." I said as I gave him a crazy look. 

He just shook his head and lightly hit it against his desk. 


*Luke's POV*

Earlier this morning we left Ryan's house. We wrote her a note and left it attached to the TV where it couldn't be overlooked. When we got back to the house we share, there was a note for us.

Hey boys, 

By the time you read this, I would have already left. I packed up all my stuff and had left to seek a career in Journalism. I really wish that things would have ended better before I left and I realize this is so sudden. I wish you guys well. If you want to keep in touch, you have my number and it will never change (but if it does I'll just email you lol) ~Tristen

The boys and I have decided to go our separate ways and follow our careers. We're still gonna keep in touch, but we'll most likely be in different cities/states/countries. 

We had already finished packing up all our belongings. We had planned that we all left together. It's almost the same, just without Tristen. 

"Well boys, it looks like our adventures together end here. I wish to see you both in the future." I said to Aaron and Jake before I hopped into the cab. 


*Louis's POV*

I was awoken by the sound of a girl scream. The sudden noise resulted in me jumping and falling off of Ryan's bed. Wait where's Ryan? 

Jumping to my feet, I bolted downstairs. The first room I went to, the game room, was being almost blocked off by boy band members. 

"What happened?" I heard Logan ask. 

"I don't know." Carlos said. 

I then saw Ryan pushing her way through the boys, holding onto a piece of paper. 

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