[07] - [Psion]

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"The Dreadnought Victoria. Would you consider it a Psion?" Cyclase asked. 

"Of course we could." Erin said, "Carla had gone through measures of making it with special designs unique only to that Dreadnought, even fusing synthetic Ion into the body, However, it would seem too dangerous, or our augmented human Eld Fortuna wasn't ready for such power."

"Had his body not rejected the overflow, he would've died."

"That word, Psion, it's beginning to become a headache for me. Ever since Lady Proxima introduced that machine. What of that one and its pilot?"

"Currently nothing has come up from that. No changes or anything, and unfortunately, our time has been focused on the Victoria. But should you have anything else to question, it would be wise to make contact with Kate."

Cyclase said nothing as he cut off the connection, leaving Erin alone. As the lights came on, she looked to the other end of the room to see Carla standing by, "Continue testing with Eld. I need to prepare for tomorrow night. Anything you have, report it to me."

"What about president Ricardo?" Carla asked, but Erin waved her off, "We can't afford to bother him with something like that. If we did, he'd simply pass it to me anyway, so just skip past that and report it."

Once alone, Erin let out a long sigh, "Damn it. Synthetic Ion was meant to be less dangerous than the original. Even when it's created by us, we still fail to understand it. If not careful, the synthetic Ion may be the one that finishes the job of the pure Ion."

Inside Nerissa's dormitory, Azuma stood in the small kitchen, making a pot of coffee. As he continued pouring the water through the filter, he eventually stopped and stared blankly at the filter and crushed beans. Eventually, Nerissa put a hand on Azuma's shoulder, bringing him back.

"What's wrong with you?" Nerissa asked, "You've been staring at the pot for several minutes now."

"Sorry, guess I'm just spacing out a little."


"I thought you didn't like coffee. Why make it?" Nerissa asked. Azuma just shrugged his shoulders and gave Nerissa a forced smile, "I just like the smell. That's all, plus it's really just for you and Gale whenever he decides to come, of course."

"Uh huh." Nerissa said nothing else as she took a cup and returned to the common area.

Taking her notebook out, Nerissa noticed a message coming in, "What is it? Gale?" Azuma asked. Nerissa sighed and shook her head, "No. It's an invitation to a social event tomorrow night. Guess I'll have to make plans for today after all." Setting her cup down on the table, Nerissa walked towards the door but stopped for a moment and looked back at Azuma, "Should Gale come by, tell him I've gone to the commercial district, I'll need something to wear for tomorrow."

Azuma just watched as she left before he looked at the cup of coffee on the table, "After all that and she didn't drink it." He said to himself.

* * * * * *

The following night, both Nerissa and Gale had left the area and headed into the city in the central sphere. Officially branded as a social event for the higher ups in Vanadis and the upper class, though only a select few as not all were allowed. Held at the president's office near the center of the large city. The president and current leader of Vanadis, Ricardo Victorious, and his wife Celia Victorious, Gale's father and mother.

Not only them, but major figures within the other factions as well, Hilda Cruz, Kate Larie, Davide Nanaura, Nerissa's father, as well as her mother, Alisa Nanaura.

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