(𝟎𝟑) 𝐛 𝐚 𝐛 𝐲 𝐬 𝐢 𝐭 𝐭 𝐞 𝐫

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I catch a ride with Dominic after school. I get home with a sore body, a grumbling stomach, and a brain that won't stop thinking about a certain someone. Aurora Miller.

I feel like my brain is going haywire with the amount of thinking it's doing. I just can't seem to push our interaction away, mainly for the fact she didn't forgive my apology.

How rude.

I give my thanks to Dom, waving him off as I start my path up the long concrete driveway to my home. A familiar smile appears on my face as I watch my front door slowly open with a small human peaking through the cracks.

I grin, "Is that my Sophia?" I call out, bending down in the middle of the driveway with opened arms. My four year old sister runs out with her dimpled smile and her light brown hair pulled up into pigtails.

"Lukey!" She giggles when she almost knocks me over as she barrels into my arms. "My Luca." Her small chubby hands hold my face. "Yes, Your Luca." I roll my eyes.

Standing to my feet I hold her chubby hand in mine, bending slightly over as we begin our walk back to the house.

"How was your day, Princess?" I ask, she's wearing a bright blue dress with Elsa printed on the front. She babbles about her day at Preschool, I don't understand half the things she says but I pretend too.

I hold the door open for her. She continues to babble as we go to the kitchen. I drop my backpack on the kitchen table, I lift her up and place her on one the barstools and then settle on one myself. I sigh.

My Ma spins around, her blonde curly hair slaps me right in the face, I blow the the hair that shed onto me off and frown. "Ma, Tame that beast on your head!"

She smiles, a warm cozy feeling engulfs me. "How was school, Love?" She asks, brushing a finger over my nose. I shrug. "Meh," I answer with ''meh'' Because I feel meh, although I don't plan on telling her about my interaction today.

Sophia squeals, now standing on her chair. She smiles giddily. "I had a great day, Mama!" She announces, I snort and my Ma nods enthusiastically with a brighter smile. "Did ya?"

"I did!" Sophia giggles, nodding happily. My sister is so adorable, she was a mini human version of the sun. Her hugs were warm, her smiles were bright, and her eyes sparkled. She looks like the perfect mixture between my Ma and dad, while I look more like my mom.

While I have Green eyes, Sophia had big blue ones. My hair was blonde and curly, her hair was also curly but brown. I got more features from my Ma than from my dad, Apparently I have a soft face with my dads jawline and nose. I'm not complaining though, I'm handsome.

And no, My mother wasn't the only one who has told me I'm handsome, thank you very much.

My ma had Green eyes, a straight nose with freckles dotting them, big lips, a soft jawline and set of cheekbones. With very long blonde curly hair, even with the shrinking curls, her hair still reaches her bottom, I'd love to see how long it is when it's straightened.

My dad on the other hand had far more of a sharper look going on for him. With his sharp jawline and high accentuated cheekbones, he had dark brown hair and midnight blue eyes. His hair was somewhat curly and pushed back, And his skin was paler than my ma's golden one.

My Ma gives Sophia a strawberry popsicle. My stomach grumbles and I open my mouth to ask her for one too, but she reads my mind faster than I can act as she holds out a raspberry popsicle out for me. "Thank you." I grin, licking the sweet but tart frozen juice.

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