(𝟏𝟏) 𝐚 𝐬 𝐬 𝐡 𝐨 𝐥 𝐞 𝐬 𝐜 𝐨 𝐨 𝐤 𝐢 𝐞 𝐬

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September was approaching, which meant my season was about to start. Also meant that coaches were going to be harder on us, work our asses off more, demand more—blah blah, I didn't care. Not when every single boy in this school was taller than me.

It only dawned on me almost two months later that the main difference between middle school and high school was girls and boys.

In middle school was either taller than most boys or roughly the same height. Boys didn't stink anymore in highschool and their voices weren't cracked and squeaky like prepubescent boys in middle school.

Boys were devastatingly better in high school.

Most girls in middle school had little to no breasts Some had developed earlier than others, In middle school they were the popular girls. In highschool every single girl had breasts, some big, some small. Boys looked at the girls with big ones.

I couldn't give a flying fuck if a boy looked at me—a boy did look at me, he called me beautiful too. Okay, so what, my mom calls me beautiful all the time.

Back to figure skating, the start of the season was coming and my program was just about finished. I was an elite figure skater, my routine consisted of some of the hard skills due to my ability. I chose the song "Derniere danse"

Some would say that's boring. I'd say fuck you in a response.  I liked my music, it made me feel graceful and elegant. The complete opposite of me outside of figure skating.

I chose figure skating because of a rare talent I had discovered for the art back when I was a little child and had discovered ice skates at the ripe age of eight. I begged my dad to bring me to a ice rink, he caved to the puppy dog eyes and obliged.

I knew from the beginning of my rare talent I had potential, potential to be something in life. I knew my academics weren't going to cut it out for me in life. I was smart like Aria in that way, she'd go somewhere in life.

Figure skating is my last hope. This goes to shit than I can say goodbye to a good paying career, and hello to living with my miserable parents in their attic for the rest of my life. And respectfully, I'd rather jump off a bridge.

striving down the halls, heading straight for my study hall before the bell can ring; I ignored every loud obnoxious voice of people chatting it up, I glared at every person I passed because I was in that sort of mood.

Only when I spotted a gold headed boy with green eyes crinkled in a wild grin, stalking down the halls with a various amount of boys from the hockey team I vaguely recognize but could give two shits to identify: My mood worsened.

I debated skipping study hall and bypassing our interaction at all costs, given the fact his sunshine presence could annoy the fuck out of me and give me a migraine.

Knowing I'd already have to see him later this evening to babysit his little sister, I gave in.

"Aurora," He smiled, nodding in acknowledgement. I sighed, pulled on the straps of my backpack to release some pressure on my sore shoulders. Friday mornings the entire team has to condition at ripe of dawn with the coaches. I hate it.

"Giovanni," I acknowledged back, grimacing. His smile widened, I noticed how the two familiar boys sort've hid behind Luca, smiling sheepishly at me. I recognized them as the two assholes with Luca when he had yelled at me that day.

I glared at them. One flinched.

"What class are you heading too?" Giovanni asks, I didn't miss the cheeky glances he'd pass to the two cowards. I eyed him, annoyed. "Study hall." I respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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