1 - Echoes

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Chapter 1: Echoes

Kyler’s boots crunched on the rocky path as he and Katy hiked up the mountain, the air crisp and cool against their skin. The trail wound through dense forests, opening occasionally to breathtaking vistas of the valley below. They paused on a ridge, taking in the panoramic view of the world that had once seemed so peaceful.

"Remember when we used to come up here just to escape the city?" Katy asked, her voice tinged with nostalgia. She brushed a strand of hair from her face.

Kyler smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. "Yeah. Seems like a lifetime ago. Before everything changed."

They stood silently for a moment, the serenity of the mountains a stark contrast to the chaos that had become their reality. The sky was a brilliant blue, unmarred by the smoke and fire that now defined the world below. Kyler took a deep breath, savoring the rare moment of tranquility.

"I miss it," Katy said softly. "The normalcy. Mum and Dad. Just being kids."

Kyler nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We all do. But we’ve got to keep moving forward, for them. For us."

They lingered a bit longer, soaking in the calm before starting their descent back to the campsite. As they began their trek down, the familiar rustle of leaves and the occasional bird call filled the air. It was almost easy to forget the world was at war.


The explosion shattered the peace, a deep, resonant boom that echoed through the valley. Kyler and Katy froze, their eyes wide with shock.

"Did you hear that?" Katy asked, her voice trembling.

Kyler nodded, his heart pounding. "Yeah. We need to get back. Now."

They broke into a run, navigating the rough terrain with practiced ease. The path blurred beneath their feet as they raced back to the campsite, their minds filled with worst-case scenarios.

When they burst through the trees into the clearing, they found their uncle Marcus and little sister Alyssa already on high alert. Marcus, tall and imposing with his weathered face and intense gaze, stood by the edge of the camp, scanning the horizon. Alyssa, her expression as unreadable as ever, clutched a handheld device, her fingers flying over the screen.

"We heard it too," Marcus said without turning. "Sounded like it came from the direction of the logistics passage. Could be an attack or an accident, but either way, it’s too close for comfort."

Kyler caught his breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "What do we do?"

A second explosion rent the air, closer this time. The ground beneath their feet trembled, and a plume of smoke rose in the distance. Paranoia gripped the group, and Kyler saw the fear in Katy’s eyes mirrored in his own.

Marcus turned to face them, his jaw set in a grim line. "There’s a logistics passage about five miles from here. It could be that something’s gone wrong there."

Kyler looked at his uncle, his mind racing. "We should check it out. See if there’s anything we can use. Supplies, information, anything."

Marcus shook his head. "It’s too dangerous. We need to relocate to a safer spot, farther from any strategic points of interest. Staying here isn’t an option."

Alyssa stepped forward, her voice calm and measured despite the tension. "There are pros and cons to both choices. Investigating could provide valuable resources, but it’s risky. Relocating ensures our immediate safety but keeps us in the dark about

what's happening nearby. We need to weigh our options carefully."

She paused, her intelligent eyes scanning the faces of her family. "I think we should investigate. We need to know what we're dealing with."

Marcus frowned but didn't argue. He trusted Alyssa’s judgment, knowing her intellect often saw angles they might miss. "Alright. But we move cautiously. No unnecessary risks."

They quickly packed their gear, moving with the efficiency of a group well-versed in survival. The path to the explosion site was rugged and steep, the once-beautiful landscape now a potential battleground. The air grew tense as they pressed on, each step bringing them closer to the unknown.

About halfway to the site, the distant thrum of helicopter rotors reached their ears. Kyler glanced up, spotting several military helicopters slicing through the sky in the direction of the explosions. A chill ran down his spine.

"They're heading straight for it," he said, his voice low. "This could be more than just an accident."

Marcus’s expression darkened. "Keep moving. Stay alert."

The group continued, their pace quickening despite the growing sense of dread. The terrain grew more treacherous, the foliage denser as they neared their destination. Finally, they emerged onto a ridge overlooking the logistics passage.

What they saw confirmed their worst fears. The once orderly passage was now a scene of devastation. Vehicles lay scattered, some ablaze, while others were twisted wrecks. Soldiers and personnel moved frantically, trying to contain the chaos.

Kyler’s breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight. "What happened here?"

Marcus scanned the scene with narrowed eyes. "Looks like an ambush. But who? And why?"

Alyssa knelt by a nearby rock, pulling out a small pair of binoculars to get a closer look. "We need to find out. This could change everything."

The sound of approaching helicopters grew louder, and the family knew they had little time. They needed answers, and they needed them quickly. As they moved closer, the tension was palpable, each step bringing them deeper into a world of danger.

The group edged their way down the ridge, staying low to avoid detection. The closer they got, the more they could see the full extent of the destruction. The logistics passage had been a critical supply route, and its loss was a significant blow to whoever controlled it.

Kyler's heart pounded in his chest as they finally reached a vantage point near the edge of the wreckage. He exchanged a look with Marcus, who nodded. It was time to uncover the truth behind the explosions and what it meant for their survival.

As they prepared to move in, a shadow passed over them, and they looked up to see a helicopter hovering above. Soldiers began to rappel down, and the family knew they had to act fast.

"Stay close," Marcus whispered. "And be ready for anything."

They pressed forward, the mystery of the explosions drawing them into a web of danger and uncertainty. The world was in chaos, and their only choice was to navigate it together, each step a gamble in the fight for survival.

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