6 - Shattered

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Chapter 6: Shattered

It had been a week since Kyler and his family had settled into the haven, and the routine was beginning to feel familiar. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities for growth. The facility buzzed with activity, its corridors filled with wonderkids honing their abilities and forming friendships. The sense of camaraderie was palpable, a testament to the bond that adversity had forged among them.

This morning, Kyler and Rayan were in the training centre, practising their respective abilities. Kyler was becoming increasingly adept at manipulating whatever his mysterious gift was. Rayan, with his gift of flight, was performing acrobatic maneuvers in the air, his movements fluid and graceful.

As they wrapped up their session, the sound of a helicopter echoed through the mountains. Kyler and Rayan exchanged curious glances and made their way to the helipad. Pilot Reynolds, who had brought them to Haven, was landing with a new group of kids.

Three new arrivals stepped out of the helicopter, looking around nervously. They were younger than Kyler, around Alyssa’s age, and their faces were a mix of fear and curiosity. Reynolds introduced them to the gathered crowd.

"Everyone, these are the latest additions to Haven. Please make them feel welcome," Reynolds said, his voice steady and reassuring.

Kyler approached the newcomers with a friendly smile. "Hi there, I'm Kyler. Welcome to Haven."

The kids introduced themselves hesitantly: Alex, a boy with dark curly hair and piercing blue eyes; Megan, a petite girl with a shy smile; and Sam, a tall, lanky boy with freckles and a nervous energy.

Rayan joined them, his cheerful demeanor putting the newcomers at ease. "I’m Rayan. If you need anything or have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask."

Over the next few days, the new arrivals began to acclimate to life at Haven. They attended training sessions, met other wonderkids, and slowly started to feel at home. Alex, in particular, seemed to possess a powerful ability—he could form crystal blades from his hands, a skill both impressive and potentially dangerous.

Despite his remarkable gift, Alex struggled with control. During training sessions, he often became frustrated when he couldn’t maintain the blades for long or when they formed unpredictably. The trainers worked with him patiently, but it was clear that his power was volatile.

One evening, Kyler, Katy, and Alyssa were in the living quarters, enjoying a quiet evening. Alyssa was engrossed in a book, Katy was sketching, and Kyler was lost in thought, reflecting on their journey so far. The peaceful atmosphere was abruptly shattered by a loud crash, followed by the sound of alarms blaring throughout the facility.

Kyler sprang to his feet, his heart pounding. "What’s going on?"

Alyssa looked up, her eyes wide with fear. "It sounds like it’s coming from the training centre."

The trio rushed out into the corridor, joining other wonderkids and staff heading towards the source of the commotion. As they neared the training centre, the air was thick with dust and the scent of something sharp and metallic.

When they arrived, they were met with a scene of chaos. Walls were torn apart, debris littered the floor, and in the centre of it all was Alex, his hands transformed into deadly crystal blades. His eyes were wild with fear and rage as he swung the blades, causing more destruction with each movement.

"Alex, stop!" one of the trainers shouted, trying to approach him.

But Alex was beyond reason, lost in a berserk state. He slashed at anything and anyone in his path, the blades cutting through metal and concrete with ease. The facility went into emergency shutdown, the lights flickering ominously as the alarms continued to blare.

Kyler spotted Rayan and Siobhan on the other side of the room, trying to help evacuate the other wonderkids. He saw Rayan lift a girl into the air, flying her to safety. Siobhan was directing people towards the exits, her face a mask of determination.

"Siobhan, look out!" Kyler shouted as Alex turned his attention towards her.

But it was too late. Alex swung his blades wildly, striking a support beam. The ceiling above Siobhan cracked and caved in, burying her under a heap of rubble. Kyler's heart sank as he saw Rayan rush to her side, frantically digging through the debris.

Kyler and Katy ran to help, their combined efforts moving the heavy rubble. They uncovered Siobhan, unconscious and bleeding from a deep gash on her forehead. Rayan lifted her gently, tears streaming down his face.

"We need to get her to the infirmary," Rayan said urgently, his voice choked with emotion.

As they carried Siobhan to the infirmary, the sound of Alex's rampage continued to echo through the halls. Staff and wonderkids worked together to subdue him, using their abilities to contain the destruction. The girl who could manipulate water used it to subdue him, and then a trainer with a cryo gun froze it to keep him in place. but the damage was done.

In the infirmary, the medics worked tirelessly to stabilize Siobhan. Kyler, Katy, and Rayan waited anxiously outside, their hearts heavy with worry. Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity.

Finally, one of the medics emerged, her face solemn. "We’ve done all we can, but her injuries are severe. It’s up to her now."

Rayan sat down heavily, his head in his hands. "This is all my fault. I should have been there to protect her."

Kyler placed a hand on his shoulder. "There was nothing you could have done. You did your best."

They waited through the night, hoping for a miracle. But as dawn broke, Siobhan's condition worsened. Despite the medics' best efforts, she succumbed to her injuries. The loss was a heavy blow to the Haven community, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced.

The following days were somber. The facility held a memorial for Siobhan, honouring her bravery and the light she had brought into their lives. Rayan was inconsolable, his grief raw and palpable.

Kyler and Katy did their best to support him, reminding him that Siobhan's spirit would live on in their hearts. The tragedy brought the wonderkids closer together, their resolve to protect each other stronger than ever.

As Kyler stood at the edge of the memorial, looking out at the mountains, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. They had lost one of their own, but they would continue to fight for a better future. For Siobhan, for all of them.

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