3 - Reminisce

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Chapter 3: Reminisce

Kyler trudged home from school, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the pavement. Katy walked beside him, their chatter light and carefree. The world was still normal then, full of everyday routines and familiar comforts.

"Fancy a game at the park later?" Katy asked, nudging him with her elbow. "We could use the practice before Saturday’s match."

Kyler grinned. "You’re on. I’ll show you a thing or two."

As they rounded the corner, they spotted a group of friends kicking a football around at the local park. One of the lads, Jack, waved them over and passed the ball to Kyler with a playful challenge in his eyes.

Kyler deftly flicked the ball up with his foot, juggling it a few times before sending it back with a fancy volley. The ball soared through the air, landing perfectly at Jack’s feet. Their friends cheered and clapped, and Kyler laughed, the sound mingling with the rustle of leaves in the breeze.

"Nice one, Ky!" Jack called out. "You should join us more often."

"Maybe next time," Kyler replied, waving as he and Katy continued home.

The familiar sight of their house brought a sense of comfort. It was a modest two-storey home with a well-tended garden out front. As they approached, the front door swung open, and their mum stepped out, her face lighting up with a warm smile.

"Welcome home, you two," she said, enveloping them in a hug. "How was school?"

"Same old," Kyler replied, "Just the usual."

Their dad appeared in the doorway, a broad grin on his face. "Good to see you both. Dinner will be ready soon."

Kyler and Katy headed inside, the aroma of home-cooked food filling the air. It was a comforting blend of spices and warmth that always made Kyler feel at ease. He took a deep breath, savouring the moment.

On his way up to his room, Kyler was intercepted by Alyssa, who was eagerly holding up her chromebook. "Kyler, look at this! I’m making a 2d football game on Roblox."

Kyler knelt down to see the screen, where a pixelated football pitch was taking shape. "That’s brilliant, Alyssa! You’ve got some serious talent."

Alyssa beamed, her usual stoic expression giving way to genuine excitement. "Thanks! I’ll let you play it when I’m done."

"Looking forward to it," Kyler said, giving her a quick hug before continuing up to his room.

He entered his room and tossed his school bag onto the bed. The room was a haven of football posters, trophies, and memorabilia from his favorite club, Manchester City. He sat down at his desk, flipping through his notes and textbooks, but his mind kept drifting back to the park, the laughter, and the carefree moments.

A knock on the door brought him back to the present. His dad stepped in, leaning against the doorframe with a knowing smile. "How’s senior year treating you, son?"

Kyler shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "It’s alright, I guess. Just a lot of work. But the local club's doing great."

His dad nodded, crossing the room to sit on the edge of the bed. "I remember my school days. Some of the best years of my life. Make the most of them."

Kyler leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful look on his face. "I will, Dad. Just feels like there’s so much to do, and not enough time."

His dad patted him on the shoulder. "You’re doing just fine, Kyler. Keep your head up and keep pushing forward. You’ve got a bright future ahead."

Kyler smiled, feeling a swell of gratitude. "Thanks, Dad. I’ll do my best."

They chatted for a while longer, the conversation meandering through football strategies, school projects, and future plans. It was a simple moment, but one that Kyler would cherish in the days to come.

As the evening settled in, Kyler joined the family for dinner. The table was filled with laughter and stories, a tapestry of shared moments that wove their lives together. It was a time of peace, a world untouched by the chaos that would soon descend upon them.

Later, as he lay in bed, Kyler thought about the day. The normalcy of it all, the sense of security and belonging. He closed his eyes, drifting into a dreamless sleep, unaware that the world he knew was about to change forever.

A jolt woke him. Kyler blinked, disoriented, the roar of helicopter blades filling his ears. The memories of the past faded as the harsh reality of the present came rushing back. He was no longer in his room, surrounded by the warmth of his home. He was in a helicopter, fleeing from a world in turmoil.

Katy was beside him, her face a mask of concern. Marcus and Alyssa were across from them, the tension palpable. The events of the day flashed through Kyler’s mind—the explosions, the demon woman, the desperate escape.

"We’re almost there," the pilot called back to them. "Hang tight."

Kyler nodded, the weight of the present settling heavily on his shoulders. The echoes of the past were a stark contrast to the uncertainty of the future, but he knew they had to keep moving forward, together.

The helicopter sliced through the evening sky, carrying them toward whatever lay ahead.

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