5 - New Haven

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Chapter 5: New Haven

Kyler woke early the next morning, the soft glow of dawn seeping through the window. The events of the previous day felt like a distant memory, but the unfamiliar surroundings reminded him it was all too real. He glanced over at Katy, still fast asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. He smiled briefly, thankful for the moment of calm.

Quietly, he slipped out of bed and got dressed, careful not to wake her. He wanted to explore the facility more thoroughly and get a better sense of where they were. As he exited their room, the corridor was eerily quiet, the only sound the hum of the ventilation system.

He made his way down the hall, his footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors. The place was impressively built, a blend of sleek, modern design and the ruggedness of the mountain into which it was built. He found himself in a large atrium, bathed in early morning light filtering through skylights high above. The space was filled with greenery—plants and small trees creating a serene indoor garden.

As he wandered through the atrium, he spotted a few other residents—wonderkids, as the pilot had called them—going about their morning routines. Some were practising their abilities, others were chatting in small groups. It was a strange sight, seeing young people with extraordinary powers in such a peaceful setting.

"Hey, Kyler!" a familiar voice called out.

He turned to see Rayan approaching, a friendly grin on his face. "Morning. Fancy a bit of breakfast?"

"Sure," Kyler replied, falling into step beside him.

They made their way to the cafeteria, which was bustling with activity. The smell of freshly cooked food filled the air, and Kyler's stomach rumbled in anticipation. They grabbed trays and joined the queue, selecting a variety of items from the buffet.

As they found a table and sat down, Rayan started to speak. "So, how are you finding it so far? Settling in alright?"

Kyler shrugged, taking a bite of toast. "It's different. I mean, it's not home, but it's not as bad as I expected."

Rayan nodded. "It takes some getting used to. But you'll see, it's not so bad once you get into the routine. The training sessions are really helpful."

Kyler glanced around the cafeteria, noting the diverse group of young people. "Are all these people... like us?"

"Yep," Rayan confirmed. "Everyone here has some sort of gift. Some are more subtle, some are pretty spectacular. But we're all in the same boat."

They finished their breakfast and Rayan offered to show Kyler the training facilities. As they walked through the corridors, Rayan pointed out various rooms—classrooms, labs, and recreation areas. They finally arrived at a large, open gymnasium filled with equipment designed to help hone their abilities.

"Welcome to the training centre," Rayan said with a flourish. "This is where we come to push our limits and learn to control our powers."

Kyler watched as several wonderkids practiced their abilities. One girl was manipulating water, creating intricate shapes in the air, while another boy was lifting weights that seemed far too heavy for his size. He felt a pang of envy, wondering when he would discover the true extent of his own gift.

"Don't worry," Rayan said, noticing his expression. "You'll figure it out. Everyone's different, and it takes time."

Kyler nodded, appreciative of Rayan's encouragement. "Thanks. It's just... a lot to take in."

"Tell me about it," Rayan replied with a laugh. "I was a nervous wreck when I first got here. But the staff are great, and the other kids are really supportive."

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