Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I went to the town to find some vacant shop for sale. I found one and it's beside a coffee shop. Since I love coffees so much, I decided to buy that shop. I think it easier for me and my triplet to just have breakfast at the coffee shop.

I took out my phone and dial the shop owner's number. I wait patiently for the owner to answers the phone.

"Hello." A raspy voice come out from the other side of the line which I guess is an quite old guy with a grey hair but with a sweet smile.

"Hello. Is this Mr. Vincent?" I read the name on the advertisment that he hang on the shop window.

"Yes. Who is this?" He asked, curiousity in his voice.

"I'm Alyxandra William. I was passing buy your shop today and then I saw an advertisment on a shop window near a coffee shop. Are you the owner of the shop?" I asked politely.

"Oh yes. I am." He sounded happy.

"I really want to buy the shop. How much would you offer me?" I asked with a lady tone. Make sure that I covered my over excited before I look like a stupid girl.

"How about USD70000?"

"Sure! I'll take it." Wow! I can't believe it. Finally I am going to own a bakery! I bet Irena and Joanna would be happy about this news. I can't wait to tell them.

"So, we'll discuss about it tomorrow then. I'll meet you " He said.

"Okay. Thank you very much Mr. Vincent." I thank him.

"You're welcome." He hung up the phone.

What a great day to start with!

I jumped into my black jaguar and drive straight home.


It only take 15 minutes to drive from my shop to my home. When I arrive home, Joanna was on her laptop, probably writing her stories on Wattpad. She was too addicted with that app but I didn't blame her for it though. It was fun...

Joanna and Irena are my triplet but people say that we don't even look like one which we agree with them, because we do look different. Like, so different...

"Where's Irena?" I asked as I closed the door behind me and locked it.

"She's cooking in the kitchen. She lost a game with me so she has to cook." She laughs evilly.

"Totally you Joanna. Always messing with her around. She must've been very upset." I giggle.

"Well, she agreed with the deal first." She continued laughing. "Umm, by the way, where are you from? Dating?" She wiggled her brows.

"Stop it Joanna. I'm not that type of girl who goes around wasting my time with some stupid guy." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. I'm just kidding. Don't be dead serious."

"Yah yah. Whatever! I think I better go check on Irena." I giggled as I walked to the kitchen. Irena was there, preparing our breakfast.

"Hey sister!" I gave her a sweet smile and sat on the counter.

"Hey. Where are you from?" She asked while chopping some onions.

"From your heart." I giggles.

"Always you and your so lame pickup lines." She looked ant me annoyed.

"Oh common! My pickup lines are so great!" I said proudly. "I'm just kidding. I just get back from town. Got some important works to do."

"Oh. Like looking for a new boyfriend?" She wiggles her brows at me.

"Ew! No! Why are you and Joanna always on the same weird page? I am so not into guys anymore." I rolls my eyes for like the hundred times already.

"O to the M to the G! No! No! No! Aly, please don't freaking tell me that you're into girls right now." She holds my shoulders with both of her hands.

"What the fudge! That's not what I mean. What I mean is, I don't want to waste my time for guys." I facepalm myself.

"But that's not good! You can't just give up because of one guy." She looks at me pitifully.

That's what I hate...when people feel pity of you. It makes me feel like I am weak.

"So, what's today's breakfast? Maybe I can help." I tried to changed the topic.

"Pizza! Can you help me with the drinks? Just do whatever you like."

"Okay." I took out three mugs and prepared hot chocolate for the two and a hot green tea for myself.

Well, I'm not a fan of chocolate so I barely drinks or eat chocolate. When we were in high school, like always I would receive some chocolate from guys and bestfriends but I only eat one or two chocolate, the rest always end up in Joanna and Irena's stomach. They are so lucky I don't eat chocolate.

After done preparing everything, I called Joanna for breakfast. They took the seat in front of me.

"Smells nice!" Joanna said as she took a bite of the pizza.

"I know my pizza is the best pizza in the world." Irena said proudly when she heard Joanna said yummy.

"Yes. It is. But my cake is more delicious." I said proudly.

"I admit that I am so jealous of that." Joanna sounds sad.

"Well, I admit that I am jealous that you can write great stories." I tried to cheer her up.

"Yeah. You even get thousands of followers on wattpad. Not like these two girls here. Just a few followers." Irena giggled and Joanna started to smiled.

"Hurm.. Guys, I have a good news." I smile widely.

"Don't tell us you want to get married." Joanna make a shock face.

"Joanna." I gave her a dead glared and she gives me her cute "I'm just kidding" face.

"No. The good news is..."

Irena makes a drumrolls sound.

"—We are going to have a bakery!" I said excitedly.

"Really?" they widened their eyes.

"Finally! I will be famous because of my delicious pizza!" Irena said dreamingly.

"Before that, always remember that my cakes are more delicious." I smile.

"When did you bought it?" Joanna asked.

"Just now. When I said I went to town." I replied.

"You used your own money?" Joanna asked, her mouth filled with foods so it came out nearly a muffle.


"Great. So, when we can decorate the shop?" Irena asked excitedly.

"Maybe next week." I replied after a few seconds of thinking.

"Wow. It's going to be a fun week." Irena said as she wash her hands.

"Yeah. I know right! I'm so excited." Joanna said as she stand up.

"Look like Aly is the last one finish her breakfast... How about we let her do the dishes." Irena said as she stand up too.

"What?! That's not—"

Before I could finish my sentence, they already ran upstairs and screamed "Thank you Aly! We love you!"

"Urggh. Both of you are cruel." I muttered frustratedly to myself.


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Yanne Ira

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