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I woke up with a jolt and realized that my alarm was screaming his throat out for me to wake up as I sat up on the bed realization dawned me that shit I'm married now I looked up to the clock and it showed 8:00 ohh I slept for 1 whole hour as I got up there was a knock at the door I hurried towards the door and opened it to see my mother-in-law and her sister I mean Advait's massi at the door I was nervous because on the first day itself I woke up late and on top of that I didn't change my lehenga and I know that I'm totally looking like a ghost.

I opened the door fully and gestured them to enter, they both entered the room and massi caressed my cheeks and said "Beta don't be nervous we are not going to scold you I know yesterday everything was handful and you might be tired because of it" My mother-in-law shook her head agreeing with Massi "Beta take this shagun ke saree and get ready we have to do your peheli rasoi also" my mother-in-law handed me a beautiful red saree but I can't accept it as it was not mine I shook my head in negation "Aunty I can't take this it was for sitara how can I take this I have other saree I can wear that" she held my hand and said lovingly "Beta first stop calling me Aunty as I'm Advait's mom I'm your mom too so you can call me Maa and, I know that the circumstances in which you got married were not great but now we all have accepted you as our daughter and this saree is solely yours and as it is shagun ke saree it's the ritual that you should wear it" I don't know why but I just hugged her I'm not a good at hugs but, it just overwhelmed me that for the first time I can call someone Maa that too genuinely I was so happy after I broke the hug I don't know when my eyes started tearing up Maa tensed up looking at me "Bacha what happened why are you crying did Advait do something wait let me scold him don't cry beta" I shook my head vigorously she wiped my cheeks with her warm hands and all I could think was to stop this time there. Her warm hands radiated so much warmth I never experienced in my whole life it was so comforting with a shaky voice I spoke "Maa... Advait didn't do anything it's just I felt overwhelmed, you all accepting me is such a relief for me and sorry if I ever hurt you" she sighed and patted my head "Bacha it's ok you don't need to apologize, now you go freshen up and wear this saree so we can start the ritual" I nodded my head and went towards my suitcase I took my essentials and went inside by the time I came out wearing a robe I saw that Anika was also present there Maa handed me the saree.

But how will I wear this I was just staring at the saree because I *freaking* don't know how to wear it Maa nudged me "Beta go and wear it we will wait for you here, you can go in the walking closet" I was so embarrassed I slightly looked up and shook my head negatively "Maa actually I don't know how to wear a saree I used to live in Greece so I never got the chance to wear a proper saree, sitara used to bring a ready-made saree for me when she used to visit me so.." everyone laughed and shook there head "Beta why are you getting so embarrassed I too didn't knew how to wear a saree at my first time. My mother-in-law helped me it's not a big deal wait let me help you" I smiled sheepishly and with this they all helped me wear the saree which was so beautiful it had a small minimal golden border the blouse was not an issue as it was adjustable overall it was elegant Anika's voice brought me back "Bhabhi you are looking so pretty saree suits you. You should wear it more often" I smiled at her and thanked her Massi took her Kajal and applied it under my ear and said "kisi ke nazar na lage mere bete ko" I smiled widely because no one ever did this for me in my whole life I'm grateful to have them all. With this we all walked towards the dinning room.

(No evil should harm my daughter)

While desending the stairs I felt so like a bride for the first time. I didn't felt this yesterday I don't know but today I felt it somehow. As I looked up I saw that *RUDE CHICK* staring at me no ogling at my waist I got conscious as I have scar which is barely visible but can be seen if we look at it properly. I somehow hide that while Maa was helping me drape the saree but now as the weight of saree was leaning down, my lower back was slightly visible as I reached near him I needed to divert his attention so I said what came to my mind that instance "Chin up Mr Advait Shekhawat" he instantly wiped his face the other side and I walked towards Maa and we all went towards the kitchen as I entered the kitchen I was so happy cause it was so clean the best. I don't need to clean up anything it was well maintained every thing was organized I felt thankful for it. "Maya beta it's your peheli rasoi you need to cook something sweet rest all breakfast will be done by malti" I nodded my head and the interesting part is I know Indian cooking because while I was in the drom all my friends were mostly Indians so it was easy for me to learn Indian cooking I know everything about Indian cuisine as well as Italian cuisine I thought of making gajar ka halwa I mean who doesn't love gajar ka halwa as I was grating carrot Maa asked me "Where do you work Beta I mean we don't know anything about you" I shook my head in understanding and replied "I am an Architect I own a company 'Arch' which is solely mine I mean I didn't asked dad for investment as I wanted to do something on my own and it's in Greece I lived there for almost 4 years now so yeah that's all about me" she smiled widely at me "Beta at such a mere age you achieved so much I'm proud of you and I m happy that Advait married someone who is so good" I was so getting emotional never in my whole life anyone said to me that they are proud of me but here this women who meet me just yesterday feels proud for me. I was so overwhelmed even my dad never said such things to me, he and my step mother always gave attention to sitara not that I'm complaining but they never realized that I too crave for there attention since all my life till now and ahead too I will crave for my Dad's attention, love cause I never experienced it and in this matter I can't expect anything from my stepmother.

I smiled widely at her and then Anika asked "Bhabi as now you are here who will manage your work there how will you look after your work?" I answered "I don't need to worry as I have my trustworthy secretary there he will take care of everything and as of my work I am going to start a branch here in Rajasthan and I bought the land few months ago the office is all set to start just need to hire some employees, so my work is not an issue and I just remembered that I need to call my secretary and tell him about all this and need to call some of my employees here too as I'm going to start a branch here I have so much work ugh" they all shook there head in understanding and with the chit chat I finished making halwa.

As we all came out carring the tray in our hands we arranged it on the table and served them all their breakfast. As soon as father-in-law tasted the halwa I could not figure out his reaction in first go it was not predictable but after taking few more bites a wide grin was spread on his lips and he looked at me "Maya beta this halwa is the best I have ever tasted till now I loved it " I said "Thanks uncle it's means a lot" he shook his head negatively and said "Don't call me uncle beta I'm like your dad you can call me paa don't make us feel like strangers you are also a part of this family now" I don't know but today is an emotional roller coaster ride for me it felt so good to be a part of a family I never experienced the joy of having a family but today I can even trade my life only to be with this family but it's not permanent it's temporary we are going to get a divorce even if they all accept me I can't bear this marriage I just want to get out of this trap of unwanted marriage but I will always cherish this loving people.

As I looked towards my husband he showed no emotions at all he sat there as a statue 'etane pathar dil ke hai mere pati haye ganesh ji kaise apne inko emotionless bana diya ab ye ky aise he grumpy behave karenge ky? Thoda emotions bhi de dete inhe'

(so stone hearted is my husband ohh ganesh ji how can you make him so emotionless now will he always stay grumpy like this)

He didn't even complimented my halwa 'my poor baby koi nahi gajar jab tak Maya hai tab tak tujhe koi ignore nahi karega'

(Don't worry my carrot till there is maya no one will ignore you my baby)

My trance was broken by vivaan "Bhabhisa this halwa has now became my favorite this is soo good" I smiled at him "Thankyou Devar ji for your compliment unlike others atleast you praised me" I said this purposely so that the *Grumpy kid* will take some hints to compliment me but what can I expect from this stone hearted human he just looked at all of us like a clueless creature I soo wanted to knock some sense in him. But why do I want to hear his compliments he don't mean anything to me we are just in a contract I should not expect such things from him I shook my head and we all ladies too sat on the chairs to have our breakfast.

Potato 🥔 - so cutus here I'm again with you to give you an update I m really busy nowadays but I am uploading reels on my Instagram @museforbooks you can check that out and yes there a target for you all I need 100+ votes and 50+ comments then only you will get the new update cause I'm really taking my time out for you all and giving you update atleast I appreciate this much.


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