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My alarm woke me up from my deep slumber. I woke up and in front of me slept my wife. She looked cute her mouth parted her half body dangling down her messy hair *cute mess* though. I chucked my thoughts away and walked towards the bathroom, I did my routine and I saw her skin care being placed at the counter top. Her shampoo smelled so refreshing it had a slight smell of honey and mint it smelled sweet indeed. 

Will she get angry if I use her shampoo just a drop won't hurt right? But why do I want to use her shampoo? ‘To smell her near you’ my subconscious answered. I did my hair wash and got ready, but she was still sleeping so I left downstairs for breakfast.

As I went down I saw Maa talking with Maasi, she looked tense. I went near her “Maa what happened why are you tensed” she looked at me her eyebrows furrowed in tension “Beta your chacha-chachi and the kids will be coming today” then realisation dawned on me now there will be again an awkward air following between him and Paa. Maa nudged me “Beta can you go and pick them up from the airport?” I nodded and was about to go but Maa stopped me “First have your breakfast then go” I shook my head and sat down to have breakfast. 


I reached the airport and picked them up, and as I reached home everyone was overwhelmed but Paa was not there he was absent probably he didn’t want to face them at least not for now. Till then my wife walked towards them and boom she looked beautiful in that maroon anarkali, that colour is definitely for her and her hairs flowed down till her hips. I’m curious how she manages to take care of her luscious locks, which are framing her face making her look ethereal. I can’t think about her like that, I cannot my mind reminded me. She took the blessings of chachi and chachi is punjabi so she is absolutely outspoken and talkative she called Maya Soni kudi which she is. Maya gets along with anyone, she even made chachu smile *impressive*. 

After talking with everyone she finally looked at me, I too looked at her and I swear I was not able to look away like all went still but our eye contact ended and in a few hours it will be time for the reception.


I got ready in the other room as my wife was getting ready in my room. I wore an Armani champagne colour tuxedo Anika precisely told me to wear it. I entered my room because I forgot my perfume, and what I saw made me stop in my tracks. There stood my wife in the same champagne colour gown. It was just so elegant, I was at a loss of words I don’t know but my pupils were delighted because of the beauty who stood in front of me. I take my statement back that maroon colour is for her because she can ace any colour I repeat any colour.

She carried that gown with grace, her face was bare without any makeup, her slightly chapped pink lips, the nuptial chain around her neck made my inside flip the crystal on the chain sparkled. She looked at me her eyes were fixed on my face she mumbled something like ‘‘θα δείχνει πάντα τόσο καυτός” I looked at her amusingly I know Greek language because I have a client who buys jewellery from Greece and that made me learn it. So my wife thinks that I’m hot that's new. I smirked looking at her, but I will definitely not tell her that I know Greek.

(Is he always gonna look this hot?)

She took her phone and called someone, still I was standing there looking at her I don’t know but I was not able to withdraw my gaze from her after the call with Anika she waved her hands in front of me to bring me back from the Lala land to be more precise *to bring me back from her land* she asked me to help her tie the knots of her dress she actually shuttered wow, but I was hell nervous I mean I was never even nervous while giving any presentation but she made me nervous this is definitely new and so not me. 

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