58. Affair

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Sorry for the long wait! I've just spent a lot of time with family and friends during my vacation. But I'm back so let's go!!! 🫶🏼


I walk with Ryan back to the palace to my dad's office. I see Simon and Madeline waiting infront of it. The doors closed. I run to my brother and wrap my arms tight around his neck.

Elisabeth: Simon!

Simon: Oh Betty.

He puts his head in my shoulder, his arms tight around my body.

Elisabeth: What's going on? Where are Mom and Dad?

I let go off him and look around.

Simon: They're talking inside dad's office.

He nods to the door, Madeline coming over to us.

Madeline: They wanted us to wait here.

I give Simon a serious look. He understands me and looks down, showing me to do it.

Elisabeth: Maddie, Charles is waiting with his and your family and the kids over at our place. Why don't you join them?

Madeline: What? Why?

She snaps but is confused. I look back to Simon. She is his wife. It's his turn now.

Simon: Betty is right, babe. This is a family thing. Let's figure it out first.

Madeline: I'm your family too, Simon! I'm your wife and supposed to be queen today.

Simon sighs. I know it's hard but it's the best thing we should do now.

Simon: I'm sorry babe. Let's just- We'll talk about it later, okay?

He gives her a kiss on her forehead but stay serious about it. Her face impression is getting mad. She looks to me and then back to Simon.

Madeline: I can't believe you, Simon. Seriously!

She walks away. I put my hand on Simon's back, as he's torn to go after her.

Elisabeth: It's better like this.

Simon: Yeah, I have the feeling this is getting bigger than we think.

He starts to walk nervously up and down the hallway as the doors are still closed.

Elisabeth: Do you know that man?

Simon: I'm not sure, but-

He stops as the doors are getting open.

George: Simon, Elisabeth.

Elisabeth: Father.

We both walk inside and sit down after my dad asks us for it.

George: Please sit down, your mom needs to tell you something.

Simon reaches out for my hand and squeezes it lightly.

Sophia: You know, my parents prepared me my whole life to marry your dad someday. But before I married him, I-

George: Sophia! Cmon, please.

She ignores him and looks at me and my brother.

Sophia: That man was my ex boyfriend. His name is Valentin and we've been-

My dad interrupts her annoyed and serious.

George: Simon, you need to take an DNA test.

Simon looks at me confused before he turns back to our parents, trying to understand what's happening.

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