61. Pregnancy Announcement

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Charles walks inside my dads office just as the doctor was ready with me.

Charles: Hey princess.

I just wrap my arms around his neck, cuddling my face into his shoulder. He already notice something is wrong as he pulls me even more closer and whispers in my ear:

Charles: What's going on?

Elisabeth: I also had to do the DNA test, just in case.

I swallow, trying not to show anyone how I really feel. Charles looks worried into my eyes. He gets kinda mad as he turns to my dad.

Charles: George, she's pregnant. The stress is not good for Betty or the baby.

George: I understand your concern, Charles, but this is crucial for the kingdom. The integrity of the royal line must be preserved.

My mom leaves the room. She's silent since all of this, not saying a lot. She probably can't stand the pressure. Also the doctor finishes and leaves the room.

George: I want to announce your pregnancy until we know who's the new ruler.

Charles looks to me and sighs heavily.

Charles: Is that really necessary after all that happened? Can we breathe for a second?

George: It's essential to maintain public trust and stability.

Now it's me who stands up, getting outraged.

Elisabeth: You promised I could choose the timing! How could you go back on your word like this?

He sighs with a heavy heart, seeing the tears in my eyes.

George: I'm sorry, Elisabeth. I truly am. But these are extraordinary circumstances. We need to keep the public focused on positive news. The press release is going out later today.

Elisabeth: This isn't fair. You're asking too much of me.

I shake my head, thinking how I can get out of this. Charles is putting an arm around me.

Charles: We'll get through this, princess. Together. Our baby is good news, huh?

I put my hand on my little baby bump and nod upset.

Later the day - 6pm

I've seen the announcement on my phone

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I've seen the announcement on my phone. I decide to turn on the TV to look what the they're saying about it and the failed coronation.

Charles is talking with Arthur on the phone about Grace before he walks into the living room.

C: All set, Grace is gonna stay with Arthur and Carla overnight.

E: Good for her.

I give him a soft smile before I put my attention back to the TV. Charles comes to sit next to me.

C: Is it out now?

E: Yep.

I sigh while I lay my head on his shoulder. He puts on arm around my shoulder. His other hand goes gently on my belly.

C: Well, at least we don't need to hide that little bump in case it wants to grow.

E: But little one wanted to hide.

I smile softly, putting my hand on his while looking at it. It kinda feels wrong to already say it. I didn't cross the magical 12 weeks mark yet, I'm only 10 weeks. Charles and I wanted to keep it a secret until he or she wants to show themself. My baby bump is very small, you can't really see anything yet, especially not if you don't know it. I could've needed that baby bump when I was pregnant with Grace and we had to hide my really pregnancy month. But it's different for every woman and every pregnancy.

C: I know, but I think it was a good timing. The news were terrible because of the failure on Coronation Day. They're so many rumors out there.

E: Yeah, I don't wanna know how Simon has to feel at the moment. The past two days felt like two years. It's insane.

C: You tell me.

He sighs and leans back.

C: But at least we're leaving for Zandvoort in two days. Time to go back on track after that craziness.

I take a deep breath before I shake my head.

E: I- I don't think I'm able to come with you, not now.

C: And why not now? We've just announced our second baby. We have to be together.

I see he is confused, probably hurt. I sigh as I know it's important to him that we go together. I promised him. But things changed.

E: The kingdom is more important than us right now.

C: Are you serious?

Charles takes his arm off me and slides a bit away on the couch. I shrug and sigh.

E: Cha, please let's not fight.

C: WE come first, Betty. Your family comes first.

He gets up and is frustrated, walking up and down the living room. This isn't fair. I need to take responsibility for whatever is going to happen. This is history. We're making history at the moment.

E: Could you please not be mad at me? I'm trying to do my best.

I try to go to him but he's still walking around. He stops and turns to me.

C: I don't want this to destroy us. I don't want anything to happen between us again.

He even raises his voice now. Not because he wants to hurt me, he is hurt. He's scared. Like I am. I'm also scared. We don't know what the future is gonna bring us.

It's okay.

I take his hand to comfort him.

E: I didn't mean to hurt you and I wish I could come with you, but I need to stay here. For Simon.

He looks into my eyes and takes a deep breath. Everything is so intense right now. Every emotion we feel is bigger than ever.

C: I'm sorry. I'm just freaking out a bit. I can't lose you.

E: Hey, I'm right here. Carrying your baby.

I put my hand on his cheek. He leans into it before he's looking deep into my eyes.

C: We're gonna make this together, okay?

E: Together.

I kiss him gently.

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