10. Mon Ange

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While I struggle with Grace and try to make her stop, I regret that we said yes to this party. How can I be so stupid? Suddenly Charles appears next to me. He kneels down to Grace, whispering in her ear.

C: Mon Ange, we can play later again but for now you gonna listen to Mommy, alright?

G: No, da!

Grace takes her hand away and points to a toy. He walks over and picks it up.

C: You can take it with you, if you're going on Mommy's arm now.

She runs over to me so I can pick her up. Lisa immediately walks over to fit her dress on my arm. Charles is giving her a small tambourine. She looks happy now. Charles gives me a nod and turns to Chris. I give Grace a kiss on her hair.

E: It's over soon.

We wait for my whole family to be ready. My mom and dad walks infront of us as the king and queen. Simon walks behind us for today because its Grace invitation.

KG: Hello, thank you for celebration princess Grace birthday with us today.

The crowd cheers and yelling Grace name. Charles has his hand on my back as we come next to my parents.

"She such a cute little girl."

"We're so happy to finally meet her."

"You have such a great little toy."

Grace doesn't care about all the people and is only playing with her toy on my arm. I need to make sure she's not throwing it in my face. But I'm glad she is distracted and not get scared of the crowd.

E: How about you show the people how to wave? I think they don't know it.

I whisper in her ear to make her interact with the crowd as a little game. She stops playing as she looks up to me first and than to the crowd.

"Hi Grace."

They all wave to her. I tell her it's okay, and wave on my own to show it to her. She hesitates but is doing it amazing after. The crowd waves back to her and she laughs. Everyone is having a good time. We gather some flowers and presents together as we walk down the fence. Grace waves from time to time or picks up flowers on her own.

C: You're doing amazing, mon ange.

He gives her a kiss on her hair.

The worst thing he could ever do.

The crowd starts to cheer and scream. Grace shrugs together and got scared. She's asking for Charles as she wails and stretches out her arms to him. He takes her but I give him a gaze, that this was not okay.

C: Alright, thank you for coming. Goodbye.

He wants to bring her out of the situation. I look after them but stay back. I need to follow the protocol. It's enough that Charles is breaking it right now. I see how Charles is talking to his mom and brothers , also Carla who all stayed back to watch us doing our royal things.

After a few more minute with my family at the fence I walk back. I hear my Dad calling my name, but I ignore it. I see Lorenzo is still waiting at the end of the stairs of the entrance.

E: Where are there?

L: Inside.

He shows upstairs. I give him a thankful smile and run with him upstairs.

KG: Elisabeth Sophia of Monaco!

I hear my Dad calling me again but I still ignore it. I need to see if my daughter is alright. I don't care about anything else. She's my priority.

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