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His lawyer sat down and Iezno got up before going up to Angeal. "So you are accepting your fate? You aren't going to fight what has been placed out against you Angeal?"

"No, I should have known better than to think that Reina had dramatized everything."

"And what about the letter she had written for her best friend Genesis-did he even get that letter?"

Angeal shook his head no "Sephiroth and I were told that we could keep in touch with those we left behind but Genesis wasn't allowed to for some odd reason. Maybe because he said he was single and not looking for anyone. But I couldn't give him the letter that Reina had written to him."

"Since you are accepting everything as it is, why don't you read aloud the letter you never gave to him?"

Angeal let out a sigh and nodded his head before he went through the pages of letters before he found the letter Reina wrote to Genesis. 

"Dear Genesis, Congrats on your first album debut. You boys have done a good job with making a unique sound for yourselves. But one thing that stood out to me was the solo song you had wrote and sang. It sounded like a love letter to someone-and after some time I have a suspicion that it is me. Is my assumption right? Do you really care about me more than just a best friend? If it is please write back to me, I'd like for us to clear things up between us if it is. I don't wish to be in the dark anymore especially since I never got to finish talking to you before your dumb ex came and interrupted us talking all those months ago. I miss being able to talk to you. Your friend Reina." He read somberly

"Now may I ask what about that letter would have been wrong for him to read back three years ago?"

Angeal let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes "At that time I had blindly believed anything our manager said. I thought he was doing us a good thing by having us be how we were. Sephiroth and I were supposed to represent the group vocally while the other three were just mere faces of it all. Neither Sephiroth or I saw anything wrong with it-but now after much thinking and looking over the contracts. They were so messed up-I should have just given the letter to Genesis. I should have allowed him to have contact with Reina-but I didn't and that's completely on me." Angeal said in defeat

"Now it's to my understanding that while all of this has been going on many a time you and the two women have been trying to gas light and threaten my client Reina to telling you all where she lives because she apparently 'owes' you all. Just what do you think she 'owes' you all if anything at all?"  Ienzo asked curiously

"She owes us nothing, The girls were just so pissed that Genesis had moved not just his things but hers into a different place and left us to rot on our own. I saw it as karma. The girls stole from her and Sephiroth and I chose to ignore her suffering. We got what we deserved. Now we're paying for all of the suffering we've made her deal with." Angeal said shaking his head 

"I see, may I ask why would you tell Reina that you'd do 'anything to help' with your child if you weren't actually going to do anything to help her out?"

"I had thought she had dramatized things, I didn't think it was so bad until we came back and saw just how bad things were."

"I have no more questions." Ienzo said shaking his head

Angeal was able to sit down and Ienzo looked at the two girls who were glaring hatefully at Reina. "I believe the next that needs to go up is Tara Tsugami." Ienzo said seriously

She got up and she vowed to speak the truth before sitting down, once she did Ienzo spoke up.

"I saw how you are looking at Reina, why? Why the hateful glare towards her?"

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now