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5:52 a.m.

First Team Hampton, with the help of Wolf and Charlie started by assisting them with lowering the boats into the water by the docks. Long before the Great Disappearance, the town they where in was a perfect place to go fishing. The militia and it's leaders watched as several motor boats exited the harbor and wished away into the lake southward bound. Fighters from Georgetown and Hampton waved goodbye as they rooted for them.

GPS was a blessing for Charlie and Wolf as they kept going on. The sky was still dark with stars up in the sky and no moon to give them any guidance. The series of boats kept along in a small arrow shape formation. Elements of stealth and surprise are needed on such missions, because of this, the group headed further out into the lake until the shoreline was nothing but a small think black line. Another reason for this was due to the volume of the motor boat's engine. With a bunch of them all together in a crowd it would sound even louder.

Wolf kept in frequent contact with Snake over his radio. Once they got within range of the electrical facility, they'd need permission from snake and then they'd be able to cut the power and then move a few blocks down towards the penitentiary. Lucky for them this wasn't a place with high concrete walls and barbwire fences. This was nothing but a fourteen story building made of sandstone.

6:45 a.m.

All boats were stopped the moment they neared the electrical plant nearly a mile to their right side. Wolf got on the radio and called Snake real quickly and asked if he wanted him to lead the attack. At the moment he notified his commander, the convoy with the rest of the fighters reached a safe zone that was within seeing distance of Washington city. Looking through a pair of binoculars revealed the guards. With no vacillation in thought, Snake approved and gave them the green light.

With the engine motors running them at a decent speed, they did whatever it took to make sure the sleeping enemy was kept undisturbed. Hard to believe the bad guys were resting seeing some lights on up ahead at the electrical facility. The complex seemed like the brightest place in the city. And it was up to them to hid in the light as a way to kill it.

As they got closer, Wolf insisted they lower their speeds to keep the volume at low and they slowly made it to the shore. Scanning the land, not a single person was visible in or around the area. Liger was right. Wolf said to himself. No one will be home. The boats were tied up along a few other docks that existed within a stone's throw from their destination. Wolf waved his hand and his group moved into the shadows where they huddled around some bushes.

Charlie reached into his backpack along with a fellow Hampton fighter and pulled out a pair of large wire strippers and began to quickly cut away at the wire fence with force. Members kept watch all around them to make sure they wouldn't get spotted. A bush was the perfect spot where they could breach into the electrical plant. Every little click from a wire being snipped made them feel like they were getting closer and closer to victory.


A large gapping circle was cut into the metal fence and the fighters began to silently sneak into their first destination. If any kind of fighting was to break out, it had to be the ones wielding the crossbows who were to do the shooting. Gunshots could alert the whole city and this was a situation that required the silence of arrows. Next problem was the loose gravel on the ground. Wolf was hopping the floor was made of hard cement. Did it have to be stone? He thought to himself. Every single step had to be met with a crouching sound.

Lights lit up the whole complex at various spots to show the absences of people. What they were looking for now was a power box and upon discovery, Charlie pulled out a pair of black rubber gloves that stretched halfway up his wrist and some pliers. I am rubber you are glue. An old rhyme they used to say on how to own bullies. One of the biggest problems was that only his hands were covered by rubber and not his feet; so if anything goes haywire then he'd get zapped.


And like that the lights died... Sections of the town vanished into the death of darkness that was seen all about by those in and around Washington City. Snake's part one of the plan was now in effect. But the hardest part was yet to come.

"Someone's coming!" A Hampton fighter whispered loudly from up above an electrical tower down over to Wolf. Such a spot would make a perfect spot for sniping.

"Archers!" Wolf said with a loud whisper, "Get ready!" The moment the power got cut it stirred a few guards by the gates. Wolf blended in with the shadows as four or five bad guys roamed about looking for the cause of the power outage with nothing but a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

Those who were carrying out crossbows carefully moved with ease into a corner where they could silently take out their targets. Both Guerrillas were spread out by a couple feet and couldn't communicate by word of loud whispers. For now they'd have to focus on which directions the targets were moving. Two of them moved on Wolf's left side while one headed in his direction and another scanned the lines of the fence calling out to the others as he checked for any breached entry.

Wolf couldn't turn his head out of concern that it might make his presence noticed by the enemy approaching him. He wasn't sure if the bad guy could see him in the dark wearing nothing but mostly black and even covered his face in black face paint with the rest of the fighters. Charlie stood crouched in front of Wolf, settled behind a large power box that the approaching enemy had no idea anyone was there. The villain stopped where he stood and looked around in various spots.

"I'll take the guy in front, you take the one behind him." Whispered Tony to Dylan. Both of them where from Hampton and carried crossbows. Dylan nodded and both of them raised their weapons and took aim. Tony took the first shot and the bolt pierced through the first soldier taking him down followed by Dylan taking the next shot and bagging the guy behind Tony's kill. Once each shot was delivered, both bodies would hit the gravel road loud enough for all to hear. Yet somehow the click from the bow being released sounded much nosier.

Wolf's eyes opened wide in anxiousness that a premature fire might cost them the mission leading up to the liberation of the penitentiary. Without any words, the enemy guard walked forward towards Wolf and his footsteps began to give away his position. Charlie pulled out a knife and looked over at his commander with a look that asked: should I take him? With shaking his head up once gave him the approval by a simple nod.

Once the villain was past both sets of power boxes, Charlie stood up and with a knife in hand he jabbed the blade into the side of the bad guy and wrapped his free hand around his mouth and carefully assist him downwards; preventing him from slamming down on the gravel with a tremendous echo. Too close. Wolf whispered.

With the last guard prowling about the complex, he was taken down by the archer up in the tower above his commander. Wolf brought everyone back together again and asked if anyone if the cost was clear. Once all grew quite again, Wolf got on his radio and called Snake to tell him that the power was cut and that he and the rest of the team would be making their way for the penitentiary.

Before any of them started crossing the street, they chewed some gum and stuck it on the edge of a knife and placed a small mirror on top of the gum. The same method Wolf and Charlie used back in Greenville had the same use in any kind of urban environment. They'd check the street signs before crossing onto the next street and after some time the force made way until they had the prison in sight.

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