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Hundreds of countries are walking calmly in a massive and breathtaking sun-soaked courtyard-
A group of Asian countries are revising
Another group is gardening
And another group, playing tag

The 4 countries enter taking moments to admire their surroundings,

Without realising USA splits off from the pack.
A group of stars sparkle in his eyes barely visible from the top rim of his shades.
He walks further - constantly turning his head- mesmerised from the heavenly sight.

He crashes into something, it was stiff like a pillar.

Can I go 30 minutes without embarrassing myself ? Have I literally crashed into a pillar within 10 seconds of being here? Get a hold of yourself man.

I look up with my elbows and back on the ground, sunglasses scattered somewhere along the floor.
It was not a pillar
It was a country.
The country turned around.
I stared in awe for a moment unable to see with sun blinding my eyes.

My heart did something weird and my face felt like it was the 4th of July.



I've never felt like this before. I can't collect my thoughts because my heart is so loud. I'm still staring like an idiot with my mouth agape.

Nobody's POV:
USA  gawked with probably a dozen stars in his  mix of Carolina, Navy and Cornflower -blue eyes. His face a tinge of bright Scarlett.

A thick accent finally broke the silence-
"ты-  are you... порядке?"
The country stuttered.

USA thought the stutter was probably from the lack of English the mystery country knew. But that wasn't JUST the reason...

"Uhhhhhhhh" USA responded feeling like an idiot
"Are, you.... O-K..?" The country responded with unnaturally long pauses.

"Oh.. me?! Yeah I'm fine . I'm really good.
Never better." USA  stumbled across his speech

As the US shifted his position he saw a tall boy craning over him wearing a grey Ushkana and matching coat with white fur along the collar, paired with some black jeans.
A serious expression seemed permanently plastered on his face. A pair of dazzling amber eyes glistened against the sun.

He knelt down and looked down. Pieces of neatly tucked silvery- white hair falling from underneath his hat and dangling.
His face close to USA's chest.

"WHa- WhAt are yo-?" America stammered awkwardly. Sweating wildly.

The tri- striped country glanced up fixing his amber-red gaze on the fallen American

"I... believed you dropped these" He said almost unheard through his strong accent.

USA almost didn't notice him holding out his own sleek sunglasses.

America only had one thought.
Get. Out. Of. Here.

Almost instantly he reached for the glasses and accidentally brushed his fingers against the other country's.

His heart went wild , zooming through his chest and soaring away.
He grabbed his sunglasses and ran faster than the wind. Slightly tripping on his way up and covering his flushed face.

The tall Russian man watched with no expression as he ran off into the distance.
Only when he was a good distance away he muttered, chuckling slightly under his breath.

хех- мило...
(Heh - cute...)

With a small barely visible mocking smile imprinted on his face.

A small obscure cherry-pink hue set on his lower face.

Moments later he quickly shook his head , looked annoyed with himself and turned back around to continue the conversation he had been having with his little sister.

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