The Unexpected Arrangement

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In the heart of Mumbai, the monsoon season was in full swing. The bustling city was drenched, and the streets were alive with the chaotic symphony of honking cars, chattering crowds, and the persistent drumming of rain on the pavement.

A sleek black limousine pulled up in front of the towering glass facade of the Oberoi Trident hotel. The doorman rushed to open the car door, revealing a tall, impeccably dressed man with a bright smile.

Shubman Gill, a self-made billionaire, was known for his business acumen and his sunny disposition. His light brown hair was perfectly styled, and his warm, expressive eyes scanned the lobby with a hint of curiosity.

Shubman stepped inside, shaking off the rain from his tailored suit. He was here for a meeting that was anything but ordinary.

His family had arranged for him to meet his potential spouse, a concept he found amusing yet intriguing. He had always trusted his parents' judgment, and if they believed this was a good match, he was willing to give it a chance.

On the other side of the lobby, sitting with a brooding expression, was Ishan Kishan. Ishan was a RAW agent, known for his sharp mind and gruff demeanor. His dark hair was cut short, and his intense, piercing eyes seemed to analyze every detail around him.

He was here under duress, forced into this meeting by his superiors who believed that a high-profile marriage could serve as the perfect cover for his covert operations.

Shubman spotted Ishan and made his way over, a friendly smile on his face. "You must be Ishan," he said, extending his hand. "I'm Shubman. Nice to meet you."

Ishan looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly. He shook Shubman's hand briefly. "I know who you are," he replied curtly. "Let's get this over with."

Shubman chuckled, unfazed by the cold reception. "Alright, straight to the point. I can respect that. How about we sit down and talk for a bit?"

They found a quiet corner of the hotel lounge, and Shubman ordered tea for both of them. "So, Ishan," Shubman began, "tell me about yourself. What do you do?"

Ishan's jaw tightened slightly. "I'm in intelligence," he said, his tone clipped. "That's all you need to know."

"Sounds intense," Shubman remarked, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest. "Must be a tough job."

"It's not easy," Ishan admitted, his tone softening just a fraction. "But it has its moments."

Shubman nodded. "I can imagine. My work's not quite as exciting, but it keeps me busy. I run a few businesses, mostly tech and finance."

"I know," Ishan said, his eyes meeting Shubman's. "I've read about you. Your reputation precedes you."

"Hopefully in a good way," Shubman joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Ishan's lips twitched, almost forming a smile. "Mostly."

There was a brief, comfortable silence before Shubman spoke again. "So, how do you feel about this whole arranged marriage thing? It's a bit old-fashioned, isn't it?"

Ishan shrugged. "It is what it is. Duty calls, and sometimes we don't get to choose."

"True," Shubman agreed. "But maybe it's not such a bad thing. Sometimes the best things in life come from unexpected places."

Ishan raised an eyebrow. "You're awfully optimistic, aren't you?"

Shubman laughed. "Guilty as charged. But I believe in making the best of any situation. Who knows, this might turn out to be something great."

Ishan leaned back in his chair, studying Shubman carefully. "You're not what I expected."

"Good surprise or bad surprise?" Shubman asked playfully.

Ishan allowed himself a small smile. "I'll let you know."

Their conversation continued, ebbing and flowing between light banter and more serious topics. Despite their differences, there was a surprising ease between them, a connection that neither had anticipated.

As the evening drew on, they found themselves laughing more and the initial tension slowly melted away.

Finally, Shubman glanced at his watch. "It's getting late. I should probably let you get back to your... intelligence work."

Ishan smirked. "And you to your billion-dollar empire."

"Something like that," Shubman replied with a grin. "But seriously, it was nice meeting you, Ishan. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes."

Ishan stood up, his expression thoughtful. "We'll see," he said, a hint of warmth in his voice. "Take care, Shubman."

"You too," Shubman replied, offering a genuine smile.

As they parted ways, both men couldn't help but feel that this unexpected arrangement might just hold more promise than either of them had imagined.

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