bonus chapter

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One sunny Saturday morning, the light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the living room floor. Aayan sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by his colorful building blocks, babbling happily to himself as he stacked them into a precarious tower.

Shubman sat nearby, sipping his coffee and smiling as he watched his son play. “Good morning, my little architect,” he said, setting his mug down and joining Aayan on the floor. “What are we building today?”

Aayan looked up, his big brown eyes sparkling.

“That’s right, Daddy’s here,” Shubman replied, his heart melting. He reached over to help Aayan with his tower, carefully placing another block on top. “You’re doing such a great job, Aayan. Look how tall it’s getting!”

Just then, Ishan walked in, a plate of freshly made pancakes in his hands. “I see our little engineer is hard at work,” he said, setting the plate on the coffee table. “Good morning, Sunshine. Good morning, Aayan.”

Aayan’s face lit up at the sight of his other father. He squealed, clapping his hands and knocking over his tower in the process.

“Oh no, the tower!” Shubman laughed, pulling Aayan into his lap. “But look who’s here with breakfast!” Aayan cheered, reaching out for a piece.

“Let’s wash your hands first, buddy,” Ishan said, scooping Aayan up and carrying him to the bathroom. “We don’t want sticky fingers all over the house, do we?”

Aayan giggled as Ishan washed his hands, the sound echoing through the house and filling it with joy. Shubman followed them, smiling at the sight of his husband and son together.

Later that day, as the family lounged in the living room, Aayan was attempting to pull himself up on the couch. Shubman watched him closely, his heart pounding with anticipation.

“Come on, Aayan, you can do it,” Shubman encouraged softly.

Ishan joined him, sitting on the floor and holding out his hands. “That’s it, buddy. Just a little bit more.”

With a determined look on his face, Aayan steadied himself and took his first tentative step towards Ishan. Both parents held their breath, eyes wide with amazement.

“He’s doing it!” Shubman whispered, tears of joy filling his eyes.

Aayan took another shaky step, then another, before finally collapsing into Ishan’s arms with a triumphant giggle.

“You did it, Aayan!” Ishan exclaimed, lifting him up and spinning him around. “You took your first steps!”

Shubman joined them, wrapping his arms around both of them. “We’re so proud of you, sweetheart. You’re growing up so fast.”

“Papa,” Aayan said suddenly, his little voice filled with pride.

Ishan and Shubman exchanged stunned looks. “Did he just…?” Shubman began.

“Did you just say ‘Papa’?” Ishan asked, his eyes wide with surprise and delight.

Aayan grinned and repeated, “Papa!”

“He did!” Shubman laughed, tears streaming down his face. “His first word!”

Ishan hugged Aayan tightly, his own eyes misting over. “You’re amazing, Aayan. We love you so much.”


A few weeks later, Ishan and Shubman decided to take Aayan on a day out with Ishan’s teammates. They had planned a picnic at a nearby park, and the weather was perfect for a fun-filled day outdoors.

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