Love Amidst Turbulence

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It had been a whirlwind of activity in the weeks since Shubman and Ishan had moved into their new home. They were gradually settling into their routines, balancing their professional lives with their personal time.

However, the nature of Ishan's job often meant long hours and unexpected calls to duty, and it was starting to wear on both of them.

One Thursday evening, Shubman found himself alone at the dinner table, his eyes flicking to the clock every few minutes. He had prepared a delicious meal, hoping to surprise Ishan, but as the minutes turned into hours, his anticipation turned into disappointment.

Finally, close to midnight, he heard the sound of the front door creaking open. Shubman looked up from his book, a mixture of relief and frustration on his face. Ishan walked in, looking exhausted but trying to muster a smile.

"Hey, Sunshine," Ishan said, his voice tired but warm. "Sorry I'm so late."

Shubman sighed, putting his book aside. "Ishan, it's almost midnight. You didn't even text me."

Ishan rubbed the back of his neck, guilt flashing in his eyes. "I know, and I'm sorry. The operation ran longer than expected. I didn't have a chance to let you know."

Shubman stood up, walking over to Ishan and wrapping his arms around him. "I just worry about you, that's all. And I missed you."

Ishan hugged him back tightly, pressing a kiss to Shubman's temple. "I missed you too. Let's sit down and have dinner. I’m starving."

They sat down at the table, and Shubman reheated the food. As they ate, the tension slowly melted away, replaced by the comfort of being together.

"How was your day?" Ishan asked between bites.

"Busy, but nothing too crazy," Shubman replied. "I had a few meetings, worked on some proposals. You know, the usual billionaire stuff."

Ishan chuckled, shaking his head. "Your 'usual' is anything but. But I'm glad you had a good day."

Shubman looked at Ishan, his eyes softening. "I just wish we could have more evenings like this. I know your job is important, but sometimes I feel like we're living in two different worlds."

Ishan reached across the table, taking Shubman's hand. "I know it’s tough, and I hate that my job takes me away from you so much. But I promise, I'm doing my best to balance everything."

"I know you are," Shubman said, squeezing Ishan's hand. "And I appreciate it. I just love you and miss you when you're not here."

"I love you too, Sunshine," Ishan said softly. "And I'll always come back to you. Always."


The weekend arrived, and with it, a rare day off for Ishan. They decided to spend the day together, indulging in their favorite activities. They started with a lazy morning in bed, cuddling and talking about everything and nothing.

"I was thinking," Shubman said, tracing patterns on Ishan's chest. "Maybe we could go for a hike today. Get out of the city for a bit and enjoy some nature."

Ishan smiled, his eyes lighting up. "That sounds perfect. I've been cooped up in the office for too long. A hike sounds like exactly what I need."

They got dressed and packed a small picnic, then set off for a nearby trail. The drive was peaceful, and Shubman played some of their favorite songs, filling the car with a light, cheerful atmosphere.

When they arrived at the trailhead, they grabbed their backpacks and started walking. The air was fresh and cool, the scent of pine trees and wildflowers surrounding them.

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