Lazy Sunday

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The next morning, sunlight filtered softly through the curtains of Shubman's bedroom, casting a warm glow over the room. Ishan woke up first, blinking against the light and smiling as he looked at Shubman, who was still fast asleep beside him.

Shubman's hair was tousled, his expression peaceful, and Ishan felt a rush of affection.

He leaned in and kissed Shubman's forehead gently. "Good morning, Sunshine," he whispered.

Shubman stirred, his eyes fluttering open. A lazy smile spread across his face as he saw Ishan. "Morning, Mister Serious," he mumbled, still half-asleep. "What time is it?"

"Not too late," Ishan replied, brushing a lock of hair from Shubman's face. "We have all day."

Shubman stretched, cuddling closer to Ishan. "Good. Because I plan on staying right here with you."

Ishan laughed softly, wrapping his arms around Shubman. "Sounds like a perfect plan."

They lay there for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. Eventually, Shubman sighed contentedly. "So, what's on our lazy day agenda?"

Ishan thought for a moment. "How about a movie marathon? We can order in, make some popcorn, and just relax."

Shubman's eyes lit up. "I love that idea. What movies should we watch?"

"Your pick," Ishan said generously. "Whatever you want."

Shubman grinned. "In that case, we'll start with some classics. Maybe a bit of everything—romance, comedy, action."

"Perfect," Ishan agreed.

They finally got out of bed, throwing on comfortable clothes. Ishan headed to the kitchen to make breakfast while Shubman set up the living room, arranging blankets and pillows on the couch and selecting a lineup of movies.

When Ishan returned with a tray of pancakes, fruit, and coffee, Shubman was already nestled into the couch, the first movie ready to play. "Breakfast is served," Ishan announced, placing the tray on the coffee table.

Shubman’s eyes widened in delight. "You made pancakes! You really are spoiling me, you know."

"Only the best for you," Ishan said with a wink, settling down beside him.

They ate breakfast while the movie played, exchanging comments and laughter. After they finished eating, they snuggled up under the blankets, Shubman resting his head on Ishan's shoulder.

As the day wore on, they moved from one movie to the next, their conversations filled with light-hearted banter and affectionate teasing.

They shared a soft kiss, the warmth of their connection making the lazy Sunday even more special. By the time the third movie started, they were completely wrapped up in each other, their fingers intertwined.

At one point, Shubman looked up at Ishan, his expression serious but filled with love. "I’m really glad we have days like this," he said softly. "With everything going on, it’s nice to just be with you, no distractions."

"I feel the same way," Ishan replied, pressing a kiss to Shubman's forehead. "You’re my peace, Shubman. My anchor."

Shubman smiled, his eyes misting over. "You always know just what to say."

They continued watching movies, their bodies entwined, stealing sweet kisses and sharing whispered words of love. As the afternoon turned into evening, they ordered pizza, laughing and talking about anything and everything.

In the dim light of the living room, with only the flickering images of the movie illuminating their faces, Ishan and Shubman found themselves drifting into a comfortable silence. Ishan's fingers traced idle patterns on Shubman's arm, their closeness a testament to the strength of their bond.

Eventually, Shubman turned off the TV, shifting so he could look directly at Ishan. "I love you," he said simply, his voice filled with emotion.

Ishan cupped Shubman's face, his thumb brushing over his cheek. "I love you too, Sunshine. More than words can say."

They kissed again, slow and tender, the world outside fading away. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the love they shared.

The pizza arrived shortly after, and they spread out the boxes on the coffee table. Shubman took a slice, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You know, I could get used to these lazy Sundays."

Ishan smiled, watching Shubman with adoration. "Me too. It’s nice to have a break from everything and just be with you."

As they ate, their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from their favorite childhood memories to their hopes for the future. The mood was light and filled with laughter, a stark contrast to the intensity of Ishan's usual workday.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Shubman asked, his tone turning thoughtful. "Where we'll be in a few years?"

"All the time," Ishan admitted, taking a sip of his drink. "I think about us having a home together, maybe traveling the world. As long as we’re together, that’s all that matters to me."

Shubman reached across the table, taking Ishan's hand in his. "I like the sound of that. A lot."

They spent the rest of the evening watching more movies, their bodies comfortably entwined. As the final credits rolled on their last movie, Shubman yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

"Ready for bed?" Ishan asked, his voice gentle.

Shubman nodded, a contented smile on his lips. "Definitely. But can we stay like this for a little longer?"

"Of course," Ishan said, pulling Shubman closer. They sat there in silence, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the peaceful moment.

Eventually, they made their way to the bedroom, the cozy atmosphere following them. As they climbed into bed, Shubman nestled against Ishan, his head resting on his chest.

"You know," Shubman murmured, his voice soft and sleepy, "I’m really glad we have days like this."

"Me too," Ishan replied, his fingers gently running through Shubman's hair. "We should make it a tradition."

"I’d like that," Shubman said, his eyes closing. "Goodnight, Ishan."

"Goodnight, Shubman," Ishan whispered, holding him close as they both drifted off to sleep, their hearts full and content.

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