A New Addition to the Family

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Two years had flown by since Ishan and Shubman’s grand wedding, and their married life had been nothing short of blissful. Despite the occasional ups and downs and Ishan’s demanding job that often took him away at odd hours, they managed to make it work beautifully. Their bond only grew stronger with each passing day, filled with love, laughter, and mutual respect.

Their second anniversary was approaching, and Ishan had been meticulously planning a special surprise for Shubman. He knew how much Shubman loved children and had always dreamed of having a family of their own. Ishan wanted to make this anniversary unforgettable.

The morning of their anniversary dawned bright and clear. Shubman woke up to find a note on the pillow next to him.

*Good morning, Sunshine! Meet me in the living room. I have a surprise for you.*

Shubman smiled, his heart fluttering with excitement as he got dressed and made his way to the living room. There, he found Ishan waiting with a bouquet of roses and a mischievous grin on his face.

“Happy anniversary, my love,” Ishan said, handing Shubman the flowers.

“Happy anniversary, Ishan,” Shubman replied, kissing him softly. “What’s this surprise you’ve been teasing me about?”

“You’ll see,” Ishan said with a wink. “Come on, we have somewhere to be.”

They got into the car, and Ishan drove them to a location that Shubman didn’t recognize. As they pulled up in front of a large, cheerful-looking building, Shubman realized they were at an orphanage.

“What are we doing here?” Shubman asked, his curiosity piqued.

“You’ll see,” Ishan repeated, taking his hand and leading him inside.

The director of the orphanage greeted them warmly and led them to a room where a group of children were playing. In the corner, a little boy caught Shubman’s eye. He was around a year old, with big, curious eyes and a tuft of dark hair.

Shubman’s heart melted instantly. “He’s adorable,” he whispered to Ishan.

“That’s Aayan,” the director said with a smile. “He’s been with us since he was a few months old. He’s a sweet, cheerful boy.”

Ishan turned to Shubman, his eyes shining with excitement. “Sunshine, I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I know how much you want a family, and I do too. So, I started the process a few months ago, and today, I want to ask you…” He pulled out a folder with adoption papers. “Will you join me in adopting Aayan and making our family complete?”

Tears welled up in Shubman’s eyes as he looked at Ishan, then at Aayan, who was now toddling over to them. “Are you serious, Ishan? This is the best gift ever!”

“I’ve never been more serious,” Ishan replied, his voice filled with emotion. “I want us to be a family, Sunshine. You, me, and Aayan.”

Shubman knelt down to Aayan’s level, holding out his hand. “Hi there, Aayan. I’m Shubman, and this is Ishan. We’d love to take you home with us.”

Aayan looked at them with wide, trusting eyes, then reached out to Shubman with a giggle. Shubman’s heart soared as he picked up the little boy, holding him close.

“He’s perfect, Ishan,” Shubman said, his voice choked with emotion. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“It’s real, Sunshine,” Ishan replied, wrapping his arms around both of them. “Happy anniversary.”


The next few days were a whirlwind of finalizing the adoption paperwork and preparing their home for Aayan’s arrival. They set up a nursery with bright colors and cheerful decorations, filling it with toys, books, and everything their new son could need.

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