First impressions (Part 2: Hidden Inventory Arc)

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"You know, I get why cursed user group Q would be after her but why would the Star Religious Group wanna kill some young kid?" Gojo said, leaning back as he walked.

"Their object of worship is the pure form of Tengen. Allowing the star plasma vessel, an impurity in their minds, to blend into him is unforgivable." Suguru spoke, walking with an impressively hunched back.

The two continued their conversation on the phone to each other, Y/N having only just arrived and stationing himself in a different location to the two of them. "The Star Religious Group is made up entirely of non sorcerers, I don't think we need to pay them any mind. The ones to be weary of are definitely Q." Suguru continued.

"Oh I'm sure it'll be fine, us two are the strongest after all. I mean that's why Tengen asked for us specifically, right?" Gojo took a sip from his drink as he spoke.

"I wouldn't mean to offend him but if being the strongest is why Tengen chose us for this mission, Y/N wouldn't be here right now." Suguru replied "Also, Satoru, I've been meaning to say this for a while. I think you should really stop being so full of yourself." Suguru put a hand on his chin as he spoke to Gojo through the phone.

"Huhh?" Gojo crushed the can without touching it by using Infinity.

"Especially when you're addressing your superiors. We might end up meeting Tengen soon..." Suguru paused as he walked out of the elevator "You really should be more polite and humble, like Y/N usually is, it would make you less threatening to the juniors as well."

"Ha! Yeah screw that." It was clear that Gojo wasn't a big fan of that idea. He had a reason to act how he did, he really was the strongest.

"Come on, Satoru. Whatever, we can talk about it later." Suguru arrived at the hotel room and rang the doorbell.

"Coming." A voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"Huh?" Sugar heard a loud beep and looked puzzled.

Gojo heard an explosion as he turned behind him "Huh?" He spoke back into the phone "You alive?"

"I'm still breathing." Suguru stated simply, coming out of a shell made by one of his cursed spirits.

"Do you think we'll be blamed if the kid died from that?" Gojo asked as Suguru noticed the star plasma vessel's body flying out of the building. He ran at the window, shooting three squid like cursed spirits at it before jumping through, diving down to save the girl.

"Don't hate me, hate Tengen if you must hate anyone." A member of Q walked forward through the room where the bomb had gone off "What!?" He was shocked when he saw a manta ray cursed spirit flying out of the smoke.

On its back was Suguru, carrying the unconscious body of the star plasma vessel "Could you please stop making us stand out so much, we just got called out for that this morning." He looked down at the girl he was holding 'So this girl is the star plasma vessel?'

"Those uniforms, you're sorcerers from Jujutsu High. Hand over the kid or I'll kill you." The Q member tried to sound menacing.

"Can't quite hear you, come closer so we can talk." Suguru grinned mockingly.

"Nice catch, that was a close one." Gojo was still talking to Suguru on the phone as knives cam flying towards his body, stopping before they could hit him at all. Gojo moved the phone away from his ear and faced the direction of where the knives had come from."

"Wonderful. You're... Satoru Gojo, right?" The culprit behind the knives clapped as he spoke "You're famous, I hear you're strong. Let me find out if the rumours are true."

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