Chapter 6 : Setting Sail ⛵️

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I want to start off this chapter by saying that there was an error in posting Chapter 5. I actually had posted it yesterday (Saturday June 1 2024) however because of some unknown error the story had been up for a few hours and then got unpublished automatically which is very weird. I don't know what happened but I think it's because I've been writing on multiple devices and that's why maybe I forgot to save or something and it didn't register. Anyways, the issue has been sorted and I have re-published Chapter 5 today and that is 1 of the 2 chapters I'm going to be posting today. So in total I'm going to be posting chapter 5 and 6.

Again tysm for 50 views. We hit it within a very short amount of time which I didn't expect and I'm very very pleased and glad.

Leave your suggestions and ideas in the comments, don't forget to vote on the story and with that all out of the way, let's hop right into it.

After 1 week

"Get up Kai, you're 1 week is over now! You can go adventuring again."

I slowly got out of bed.

I made a really really dumb decision last night.

You see, I was fully healed by yesterday and I also had doctor's approval to train and do whatever the heck I wanted... but I decided that it would be a good idea to train until 3 AM to catch up for all the training I've missed...

(pro tip : it wasn't a good idea)

So after I trained from 6 AM in the morning... to 3 AM at night.

Don't ask me how I did it... but I did it somehow. (Totally didn't take any breaks.. hah)

And I was so tired my mom said I fell asleep on the field and my mom had to wake me up and drag me to my bedroom.

She also gave me an earful but I'll leave that part out.

And the thing is... I don't remember any of it... that's how sleepy I was

Anyways now I'm not well rested and I feel braindead.

However I'm not about to let that stop me as I'm gonna venture on to the next gym! If you're wondering which gym that is... well then you're just gonna have to keep reading to find out.

I think I'm gonna take the new MegaShipX that they made in Kalos, Kanto, Hoenn and Unova.

It was developed my some Professor in vermillion city. It was all over the news a few months ago.

There's three variations of it.





And just as my luck would have it, The MegaShipX was in town today!

As I boarded the ship and paid the fee of $250...

It was a lot (considering boats are normally free of charge or under 30 bucks) but I forgot to mention this, my mom actually gave me more money for my journey as I had nearly spent all of it for that bell purchase.

So I had a total of $50,000 now, and you bet that I'm gonna spend it wisely!

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