Quick Notice!

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Yo what's up guys!

I just wanted to say a few things before the ninth chapter.

1. Pictures Are Coming To This Book!

Hand-drawn pictures are coming to this book and the first one is going to be in Chapter 8! As you're reading this notice the picture is probably already there. But I just thought that drawing a few pictures might help to make the story feel more lively. The pictures are going to be coming very slowly though.

2. New Upload Schedule

After Chapter 9, my upload schedule is going to change. It's going to be a weekly upload schedule, meaning I'm gonna post 1 chapter a week.

I'm not doing this because I'm lazy or tired, instead I'm doing this because of a lot of reasons. Such as - the chapters will be longer and more enjoyable, they won't be rushed as a daily upload schedule is very hard to maintain, there will be pictures in the story!

Anyways, with that all out of the way, I hope you enjoy the 9th chapter!

For anybody that's saying the chapter isn't out yet, it's going to be released on Saturday (15th June 2024). And from then on there will be a chapter released on every Saturday.

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