Him and You, Come On

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"So that's your name Brookes" He purred. "It doesn't feel right on my tongue what is your real name."

"Don't be daft" I said.  "It is my real name, my last name.   My first name is Nina."

"MMMMM Nina," he hummed.  "I like it."

I groaned and muttered "Never mind I don't need his permission I will go hunt THE ROUGE down now"

He  looked at me furiously and growled "AWW hell no! You will stay right here safe and sound." 

Then he pulled me in for a hug and I chuckled. 'Bad mistake bad mistake' I thought.  I tugged my self away from him and kicked his feet out from under him.  He lay on the ground and I knelt besides him.

"This is for being a dick to me" I hissed kicking him in his family jewels.  "This is so you don't follow me." I said before snapping both of his legs. I got up and walked away ignoring my petty wolfs whimpers.

I walked into the forest and shifted then began to scent the air.  Finally I caught a whiff of my target and began to run.  I ended up in a meadow where I saw THE ROUGE ripping into Tyler's pack mates.

"NO!" I screamed through the common link. "I challenge you to a duel." I yelled. Every wolf in the field froze and all except for THE ROUGE bowed down.

I ran up to my opponent as quickly as I could and swiped for his neck.  He flinched back surprised by my agility and I took his retreat as an advantage.  I bared my teeth at him and lunged again.  Only this time he was ready and jumped forwards landing on top of me.  He groped around trying to get to my neck.  I shook him off and he fell onto his back. I darted in and swiped slicing open his stomach.  I tried to dart back out but he grabbed my paw in his mouth.  He bit down hard and I felt it sprain. I growled and sprung forwards biting his neck in the process.  I stopped when I was sure of His death and then I limped away.




"And that is why I would like to go to Europe for the next four years.  They need the training and I need to work somewhere else." I said

The council all nodded simultaneously and said "This is fine with us as long as you answer to the council members in Europe.'

I nodded My agreement and they said "You may go."  I walked out and whooped with joy.  I ran to my Lambo and began the drive to the air port.

'Where to go, Where to go" I thought grinning.  'I know lets start with spain' I thought.

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