Mate time

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The pack meeting had gone well and now we were on our way to see the Alpha.  Kayden knocked on his door and said "Hey Vince it's me."

"Come on in Kayden." Yelled Alpha Vincent. 

We opened up the door and walked in as Alpha Vincent looked up from his work "Hello Kayden, Nina what brings you here?" He asked .

Kayden looked at me and I glanced at him trying to see who should tell the Alpha.  Apparently we were obvious because he noticed.

Alpha Vincent said "Oh you guys are mates what a wonderful surprise. It's a pleasure to meet the new Beta female.  Now we have to make arrangements to tell the pack."

Kayden spoke up and said "Not yet Vincent okay Nina and I need some time to get used to each other."

The Alpha nodded and sent us out the door. I checked my watch and said "It's to ;ate to tell anyone else to night how about we go to bed."

We walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom I was staying in and stood by the door neither of us wanting to leave each other. After a few minutes of standing there and looking at each other I worked up the courage to ask "How old are you?"

Kayden chuckled and replied "I'm twenty two how old are you?"

"I'm twenty but I turn twenty one in a few days."  He nodded and then I asked what his favorite color was.

He answered me then asked a question of his own and we spent the next half an hour doing that. Finally we noticed how late it was and stopped.

"Well I better go to bed. Good night" I said. With that I stood on my tippy-toes to plant a quick kiss on his cheek before running in to my room. 

When I entered I stayed on cloud nine for sevral minutes not noticing my sisters on my bed with a raised eyebrow.  When I finally noticed them I said "Yes?" questioningly.

They all rushed towards me clamoring things like "Who's the guy, how do you know him, do you like him, is he your mate?"

II walked over to the bed and sat down before saying ""That was Kayden my mate, I met him the same way you guys did when he checked to make sure we were settling in okay. Yes, I do like him."

With that I shooed them out of my room and fell back onto my bed for a good nights sleep.

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