Chapter 2

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I heard something coming up to us, and it was the dog again. I started petting the dog again.

Etho moved next to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the dog. "Seriously, don't pet random dogs on the street"

I felt my face get hot, so I looked away "yeah- alright-." I weakly tried to pull my hand away, but Etho continued holding it.

The dog tried to get me to pet him again, I was tempted too but I didn't.

( Is now a good time to say that in the story there are like monsters? )

The dog suddenly morphed into a hellish looking demon "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING-!?" I screamed, clinging onto Etho like a child.

"I- I DUNNO-!?" Etho lightly shoved me off and grabbed his Lazer blaster. He shot the thing a few times and it disintegrated into some weird black goop.

Then I heard the boss talking to me through my ear piece. "Smallishbeans, on the radar which if you were paying attention you'd know that someone has been following you for a while now. Be careful."

I groaned at the message, but ignored it. I leaned down to poke the goop with my finger.

But Etho grabbed my hand again, "don't touch the goop from the monster dog-!"

This time I actually pulled my hand away "alright alright. Uhm- I'll be right back." I glanced around and stood up.

I avoided walking in the goop and went down an alley. I looked down at my radar and spotted that there was indeed someone following him.

My boss started yelling at me again "smallishbeans! Where are you going!" I went to settings and adjusted it so the communications were off.

I'm gonna get murdered when I go back to work.

I glanced at the radar again and realized the person who was following me was getting awfully close.

What if I die right now?

"Hello Joel" I heard a voice from above. I looked up but couldn't see anything in the dark.

"..." I didn't respond.

I heard whoever was in the darkness hit the ground lightly, almost as if they were flying before.

They started walking out of the darkness, revealing who they were.

Back to present time*

I laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

I'm out of pop tarts, but I don't wanna go shopping. I'm too tired to go shopping.

When's Grian gonna come home:(

I suddenly heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. "The hell.." I mumbled,  slowly getting up from the ground.

I would have walked to the kitchen but whoever was in the kitchen came into the living room.

I was approached with a gun to the head and a familiar face.

"Wow, no hello for me?" I smiled at the person, while I raised my hands in a mock defense.

Etho tightened his grip on the gun. Still not speaking to me.

"Awh cmon Etho, didn't you miss your best friend?"

"My best friend isn't a villain" he finally responded.

* Sponsor break before the chapters over!!

Do you need more friends? Feeling lonely maybe..? Need a new totally awesome and cool friend?

Well you should add ratass_yayyy on discord!

Because I can be that new totally awesome and cool friend!

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