Chapter 5

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Etho tapped his finger on the table, but not in an annoying way.

"So...I'm your favorite?"

I almost spit my drink out, I turned so I was looking out the window. "I guess-"

I heard Cleo burst into laughter "You guys give me second hand embarrassment!"

Grian started laughing too.

Which is stupid because it's NOT funny. They are just crazy, and dumb. unlike me, who is tall and handsome.

"Wait Etho, wanna see how short Joel is?" Cleo said, standing up from the booth we were all sitting at.

"He's short?" Etho responded.

"HAHAH! no I'm not, very funny Cleo but I don't think that's necessary" I said, slightly annoyed but not in like I hated them way.

"Are you actually short?" Etho asked.

"You have a problem with short people? Not that I am short or anything" I asked.

"No, if you're short that's totally fine" Etho said.

"Y'know what stand up! I'll show you I'm not short" I stood up and then Etho stood up.

Okay maybe Etho was a little taller than me but okay? At least I'm not as short as Grian😒

"Well at least I'm not as short as Grian" I said sitting back down.

"That's true" Cleo giggled

( Super cool skip to when Joel is back home😨 )

I was getting ready to do some dumb evil plan Grian came up with, when I got a text from him.



"Okay maybe hot guy caught me getting ready for the plan tonight"

"Where r u?"

"Okay I'm like right by Doc's hourglass"

"I'll be there soon"

I shut my phone off and threw my fun little machine stuff on!

Joel's suit thing:

Black + green suit

Hard padding on the shoulders, knees, elbows, sides.

A thick supply belt with a blaster gun.

One of those thin straps, over the shoulder bags.

Same watch from when he was a hero but he messed with it so it's different.

And yeah that's it.

Once I made it to where Grian was, hot guy was chasing him again.

I grabbed my blaster gun from my belt and pointed it at Hot Guy.

But before I pulled the trigger I turned the mode so it would only stun him instead of actually doing damage.

When I shot it someone pushed me and instead I shot Grian.

"SORRY BAD BOY BABE" After yelling my apology to my bad boy babe I turned around.

I saw a stinky stinky hero, Mr. Slab😒

(I don't think that's gonna be a confirmed hero name btw!)

"Awh, come to ruin some fun? We were all just playing around" I said aiming my blaster at him.

He brought out his own blaster and pointed it at me.

"Put your blaster d-" Etho started before Grian screamed.

"BEANS I NEED YOUR HELP HERE-!" Grian said, basically restling Hot Guy on the ground.

I couldn't exactly leave from where I was standing cause if I did Etho would shoot me.

"BE THERE IN A SECOND-!" I turned back to Etho who was now like inches away from me.

I kicked Etho's ankle and ran to Grian.

Etho tried to run after me but slipped.

I kicked Hot Guy off of Grian and helped G up. "You good?" I asked him.

"Yep! Now run you idiot!" He grabbed my arm, and stood up on a railing.

Then he flew off, still holding onto me tho.

I saw Etho and Hot Guy stand up, neither of them could really come after us tho.

Grian and I stopped at my apartment to get changed. I guess we do the plan tomorrow.

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