Chapter 4

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That night, when I was laying in bed I couldn't stop thinking about stupid Etho. Maybe if he left me alone I would care anymore.

He's stupid, and ugly, and I hate being around him.

I wanna meet someone new, so I stop think about the idiot.

* Authors note, once again, Etho's super hero name is NOT Etho. I'm just to lazy to come up with a super hero name:P

Y'know what! Tomorrow I'll go out and meet someone new.

( Super cool time skip to the morning )

I woke up and did the usual stuff I do in the morning, styling my hair, brushing my teeth, changing my clothes.

I basically had the same outfit as yesterday, but the clothes were different except I had the same hoodie.

I decided to get Grian's input on how to meet someone new,

"Hey G"
"Hypothetically, I wanted to meet someone new"
"Not that I want too"
"But hypothetically if I wanted to"
"How would be the best way"

"You missin that hero boy?"

"No. Not at all"
"But hypothetically how would I meet sm1 new"

"Hypothetically you could go on a dating app?"

"Hypothetically too many uh..60 year olds"



"Hypothetically I'll set you up with one of Cleo's friends."

"Hypothetically I'd say thank you!!!"

I shut off my phone and put my shoes on.

I got in my car and drove to the cafe Grian and Tim work at.

I sat down in the break room with Grian and Cleo, even tho I didn't work there...we can ignore that..

"Okay, so I have this roommate Etho. Who you might like" Cleo said, taking a sip of their coffee

"What's he like?" I asked, grabbing one of the sugar packets from the bowl on the table.

"Well, it's hard to explain..uhh" Grian said as he snatched the sugar packets away and put it back in the bowl.

"Can I meet him?" I asked before Grian could get out a proper response.

"Sure why not" Cleo said, as they got up. "I'll be right back"

Cleo walked off leaving me and Grian in silence.

"Your gonna love Etho," Grian started, but then paused "or your gonna actually hate him."

Cleo came back, dragging along someone. "This is Etho" Cleo said, pushing him into the booth next to me.

"Uh- hello" I said.

"uhhhh...hi" He glanced around like he was being held at gun point.

"Etho calm down, Joel doesn't bite" Grian said. Throwing a packet of sugar at Etho.

Etho kinda looked familiar, like, really familiar. But I couldn't figure it out.

"Stop staring at each other and talk to each other" Cleo rolled their eyes, taking another sip of their coffee.

I didn't know what to say, and clearly neither did Etho.

"Y'know what! I have a great idea to help you guys learn stuff about each other, I'll ask a question and you both HAVE to answer" Grian said.

"First, what's your name?" He asked.

"Grian we know each others names.." I tried to talk but Etho almost immediately said his name.

"Uh- Etho!"

"Wow, you're really like a dog. if a dog was big and scary, but a big scaredy cat" I said, taking a sip from my tea.

"Do you like dogs?" He asked.

"I do like dogs, pretty basic but their my favorite animal" I sat my cup down on the table.

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