Chapter 3

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Author's note: this time i want youyouyouyou like its magnetic youyouyouyouyouyouyouyou super ikeullim
This is boring as fuck. Rules, rules, rules. Values, values, values. I've been in this school for eleven years now and this is all I hear. For five minutes, I was literally manifesting that the bell would ring until-

Ring ring!

It finally came. Finally. We bid our goodbyes to Miss Smith and scurried out of our seats. I looked at my ever-so-gorgeous seatmate. "You coming?" She placed a hand on my shoulder, and I felt a prickling sensation from where it was. We walked out of the classroom, got some warm, fresh air, and headed to the cafeteria while being bumped into by some freshmen in the process. "Let's go get some cheese sticks, or maybe a few mints," I suggested. I didn't care about anything right now, I was hungry as hell. But the way she held my shoulder and how her gaze interlocked with mine- it seemed like I swallowed a million butterflies.

"Hey, one dollar for a pack of mints." I got back to myself again. "Oh. Uh.. uhm.. okay. I'll pay."
"Okay, so. What do you wanna talk about?"

We sat in a small table for two, just beside a large, open door near a couple of benches. She stared at me with a slight smile. Her eyes- her beautiful hazel eyes met mine once more.

"Stuff from our class, maybe?" she said. "Y'know, any gossip, or anything? I'm new, so.."
"Okay, okay," I answered quickly. "So basically almost everyone here in our class is gay, so uh.. yeah. Gay problems, mostly- or bullying issues. I don't know. You could either be gay, or a bully, or both. Section's curse," I made quotation marks in the air. Section's curse. All sections have their own personalities- ours being the "gay bullies". I love being gay, but I really do hate my section.

"Bullies.. the loud people. Like the ones yelling like idiots. Are they the bullies?" she questioned eagerly.

"Yeah." There was a strain in my voice. The flashbacks filled my head in the speed of light. "Bastard. Can't even make your date stay? You motherfucking tryhard! Tryhard!" Ninth grade. Pinned to a wall in an empty corridor, surrounded by.. you know. Idiotic cackling all over the place. Ten of them. All surrounding me. I started to sweat and tense up as this Patricia girl gave me a concerned look. I won't tear up in front of her. "You okay?"

I gulped. "Mhm."

She steered the topic away. "Call me Pat, or Neo. Whichever of the two," she began. "I feel like Pat suits you more," I said with a smile. "I'm Chi."

"Love your hair, by the way. And.. that blondish thing..?" She pointed at the golden lock of hair that sat with my overgrown fringe. "Oh, this?" I held it up, standing out among all the messy, black hair that covered my scalp. "I was born with it." I let it go, and it covered my eye. She brushed it off, and there go the butterflies again.

"You're extremely pretty," I mumbled, in hopes of her not hearing anything.

"Thanks, my skibidi rizzler Ohio sigma!" she blurted out. We cackled maniacally for a bit. "Seems like the brainrot consumed you too, my fellow alphawolf!" I said in the midst of laughter.

I looked back on our newly-made friendship. What the hell was that? It seemed like a dream.
"You're friends with the pretty girl?!" Kio Agatha, Odile, and Brianna, my only remaining friends, exclaimed in the middle of third period while our teacher needed to take a piss. "Well, sorta. It's not something to freak out over though, you dickheads!"

"No, 'cause, she's so pretty that no one would dare speak with he-" Odile was about to object when Kio interrupted her sentence. "Why don't we take her with us to lunch, and, like, add her to the friend group? After all, she's already friends with Chi."

"Fine. We're coming with her, 'cause she's a transferee. Yes, yes, my friend. And, erm.." I blushed like a fool.

"You like her?! Jinx!" Odi and Kio said it awfully loud, which made my eyes grow wider as a warning that she might hear.
"Shut it, Agatha and Agatha raised to the power of two or I'll cut your throats open." Kio Agatha and Odile Agatha. I loved that they knew I fell for pretty girls easily, but sometimes they're just a little careless about what they're doing.

"But seriously, do you sorta.. like her?" Brianna broke the silence she made for a few seconds. I huddled closer towards my friends who were eager for an answer.

Do I? She was the girl of my dreams. She's a K-pop idol that wasn't. She's one of the nicest girls I ever met in my whole life. I processed the question and soon let out a whisper. "Okay, maybe I do."

I gave myself a facepalm and sighed loudly as my friends started to squeal. "OMG! I support!" Little shits. Love them, though.

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