Chapter 5

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Author's note: YALL #2 IN HOMER?? this book hasnt even reached 100 reads but WHATT this is crazy thanks guys i guess?

Monday again. I came as usual to the spot in my classroom where me and my friends were, but I noticed something different. They seemed really prepared to meet me, with a smile plastered on all their faces. "Hey, guys..!" I exclaimed awkwardly. They burst into laughter as a replacement for a reply, with me rolling my eyes at them afterwards. I gave Kio a look. She fucking told them. I silently watched them giggle and slap each other like fools then went to my locker. I felt someone behind me just then.

"Hey," Pat said with a slight smile. I nodded and waved back in acknowledgement. I secretly kissed her cheek while I carried my books to my chair, and faced my friends once more with Pat following along.

I noticed that the topic changed into a more serious one. There were slight mutters, and I was today years old when I noticed that there was something going on outside. The air grew tighter and tighter.

"What's going on?" I asked in desperation.
"I don't know, bro.. we can go check," said Brianna. "Let's go outside, but not too near or we're cooked."

We all got up with Bri in the lead, making sure to be extra quiet that our footsteps wouldn't be heard. We weren't the only ones, though- we found Olivia Abrams and her friends sneaking up on them too. "Damn, that stings," I heard her mutter. I felt a bit at ease as Pat reached for my hand. But it didn't calm me down witnessing the fact that there's gonna be more school drama. More. Issues. There was always at least one every year, and it ain't stopping.

"For Christ's sake, Hailey, why the actual fuck did you make that dumb decision?! You could've countered! And you, Jada Peterson!" It was Moxie Mendez. (No, sorry, Moggsie Mendez.) One of the to-be-unspoken-of girls. I hated everything about her ever since she backstabbed me in seventh grade. Jada, a new kid back then, was a special friend who deeply understood my struggles, and faced them with me. Poor thing, it's a whole different topic when she's the target now.

Kio let out a whistle. "Looks like someone's a two-timer!"
"Wait, so- Hailey? Moxie's girlfriend? Dating Jada?" Pat gasped. We all turned to her and nodded.
I know, I swear to the creator of Karma's a Bitch that this is gonna turn out to be a real bloody war. No, not literally bloody. But Moxie and her nine other cronies would most likely go full out and it's over. It's the Trojan war all over again.

We have to fight just for all of this to stop, and there's no other option. I felt like sinking into the Earth's core. If there was a choice not to attend school anymore then most likely I would've done it.
The lunch bell startled me, my head down on the table and asleep during math class. Pat gently fixed my hair, all ruffled from sleeping. We got the others and off we went to the cafeteria as usual.

"Guys, I don't think we should be eating at the cafeteria with the Unspeakables in there. Let's just go to the benches near the library, and get inside for a bit of AC," I quickly said just as we were heading to grab a meal.
"Okay, but you, Pat, and Bri go first, we'll follow after," Odile sighed and gave Kio a smile. They proceeded to order some spaghetti, holding hands.
"They'd look like a cute couple," Bri joked. This made laughter erupt between the three of us. "I ship!"
We decided to settle on a soft couch in the library. I laid my head on Pat's chest.
"...spaghetti's also pretty dry toda- Yieee! There go the lovebirds!" I grunted as Ms. I-like-to-disturb-couples (Kio) slightly spoiled my moment with Pat, in the middle of her playing with my hair and analyzing every single detail of me. She didn't seem to care, though- she brushed the hair out of my forehead to give it a kiss. "Cute," Odile snarled.

There was a soothing silence which Bri broke after a minute. "I think I know why Hailey's dating Jada."

We all faced her, puzzled and desperate for an answer. "What?"

"I guess it's Moxie. I think she's mistreating her or something– wait, she'd never do that. Or... I don't know, Hailey mightn't see something in her anymore, making their relationship one-sided, and decide to date Jada instead."

Brianna was great at these things, having experienced being involved in school drama since elementary. Sometimes I wonder how she managed to survive all this without a single attempt to jump off a roof. I'm joking.

Pat looked down at me, still laying on her chest. "Bro, I don't want war. I just want you."

I found my face to be as red as my sweater. "Yuck!" Kio intervened. I gave her a slight slap, rolled my eyes, and heard the bell ring to signal the end of lunchtime. It was PE next, and the only thing exciting in there is basically just sports since first, intramurals season is nearing, second, I'm on the soccer team, and third, I get to play with Pat. I took off my sweater, rolled my sweatpants up, held her hand, and walked to the classroom.

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