You Are the Beginning of My Story - ENG

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Life may not give you everything you want, so you need to strive harder..
Your desires may appear unexpectedly, sometimes just a dream, sometimes a hope.
When it comes to loneliness and you...
There is a life named in this existence, its name hidden in these memories.
It is so delicate.
Just one smile is enough.

Like a song of life, it lives through the seconds,
It lives in the beauty of each moment as if it will end at any second.
Like a test for one who loves you, a short and concise beginning.
Hope and shame. ...

Life was cruel, but you always endured it.
Each time, more loyal and merciful than you are,
Like the wind but gentle,
Like fire but ember,
Lonely yet hopeful,
Difficult but not unattainable!
You are you,
I am not yours, In a way alone but not for a lifetime,
Fragile but not artificial,
You are you, I am yours.

At times my hope becomes a friend, a shoulder to lean on,
At times your dreams, your life, most often the voice of your heart,
In a way, a twist of life...
Brightness in your night,
The sun rising in your morning,
A flower blooming in your soil,
A kiss on a tree branch...

You are so unique that I couldn't look at you,
I was afraid of losing you...
This was the beginning of my story about you,
With an uncertain ending,
Mysterious beginning,
Resulting in a single purpose, you.

24.07.2016 - 23:58

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