I'm Crossing The Bridge - ENG

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These days, tons of vehicles are passing through this bridge every day, every moment, every minute. But today, at this hour, at this minute, the man who loves you is crossing this bridge.

This bridge, even if we are far apart, is the bridge that connects you to me. Even if I am on the other side right now, even if I am miles away from you, I know that when we look at the sky, I am there and I am by your side.

As I read these lines right now, I am looking into your eyes. I want so much to look at you for a long time and say "I love you", I will come to you one day across this bridge. We will be far apart again but we have never been far apart. There will be distance again but we have always been close. Maybe we will only talk on the phone again but I will always be one with your soothing voice.

I miss you so much, thank God for you.

11.05.2022 - 17:52

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