One Smile is Enough for Me - ENG

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Do you miss me as much as I miss you?
Can you love me as much as I love you?
Can you feel me as much as I feel you?
Do you long to see me as much as I long for you?
Have you ever cried as much as I have?
Have you ever thought as much as I have about our future?
Have I ever made you feel valuable knowing how precious you are to me?

You, you are my woman.
You miss me,
You love me,
You feel me in your heart,
You say there is still time to see me even though you long to,
And I believe that my worth to you is different...
This is our love.

I love you, my woman.

18.01.2023 - 21:11

Ufuktaki Sanat - Art on the HorizonWhere stories live. Discover now