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It's the day of the meeting with the Russians and El still doesn't know, she knows there's a meeting but it unaware of who it's with

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It's the day of the meeting with the Russians and El still doesn't know, she knows there's a meeting but it unaware of who it's with. Also the cafe which was meant for Els birthday is still under construction and is being delayed

We're all getting ready for the meeting with me and Dane in suits and Elodie in a sexy looking jumpsuit in light blue. Fuck she's so hot

She swings the keys around her finger with a wink "who's ready to go" she grabs her bag walking down the steps to her Range Rover and waits for me and Dane to get in


We've been sitting in the meeting room for about ten minutes now waiting for the meeting to start and Elodie isn't enjoying the wait so much "daddies this is so boring when are we starting"

Dane looks at her "Soon baby there're just running a bit late" just as he finishes the door opens and a group of three enter

They scream mafia from the perfectly ironed clothes to the gold jewellery and accents placed on there suits. I just hope she doesn't notice

"Hello we are sorry for our tardiness we had some..business too attend to" his accent is thick as he sits opposite Elodie

"Oh that's perfectly fine no worries, so you're looking to buy the private land we own"

"And who might this lovely lady be, I'm Andrei, the two idiots beside me are Boris and Ivan it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he says reaching over to grab her hand

She carefully pulls her hand out his grasp with a nervous chuckle as I see the vein in Danes neck tense from anger. "Haha it's um Elodie rose now back to the land you wanted to buy"

He whispers her last name under his breath as he looks to who I'm assuming is Boris, "So I see you're Mr Rose's mysterious daughter, where is he today I wish to speak to him"

I can see her tense as he mentions her father, "he sadly passed away around a year ago"

"And who might you two gentlemen be" he asks looking us up and down slowly

"We're her b-" Dane goes to speak before he's interrupted "They're my boyfriends"

"Ah i see boyfriends, well considering your father passed without paying his end of the deal I'm going to have too enforce it now"

Elodie sits up straightening out her suit jacket "The only d-deal we're going to enforce is the one about our leave if you're not willing to listen then t-the deal is off and you can leave"

"Well the little one is getting cocky we don't need the land, just the thing we intend to leave with" Ivan speaks tutting his tongue

"And what will that be"

Andrei chuckles "its you котенок" (kitten)

Dane stands up his chair knocking over in the process "Fuck no you're not taking her any where with you"

The three of them also stand up "well you see when your father was alive he racked up quite some debt with us and his way out was to give us his long lost daughter. You"

"N-no that's not happening get out of my office right now. Get out" she screams

They hold there hands up in a mock surrender
"не уходи далеко, котенок, мы скоро встретимся, так или иначе" (Don't go far kitten we'll soon meet again one way or another"

And with that they leave. Fuck. "W-what did they say daddy" she says looking at me, I look over to Dane who's subtly shaking his head no

"I-I don't know baby, but it'll be fine I promise"
We go over to her embracing her in a hug

"My father sold me. H-he really sold me " she sobs into our chests. I rub her back letting her get a good cry out before lifting her onto my hips

"T-there were Russians daddy. My dad told me to stay c-clear of them maybe t-this was why"

I hide her face in my neck as we walk past our colleagues. Most of them know about our relationship and have had nothing bad to say, some of them there selves are part of the bdsm community which is why everyone gets along

I place her in the backseat next to Dane as he holds her. Could it be classified as illegal. Sure
But right now comfort is all that matters to us

They can't take her from us, we've already missed out on four years of her life because of her awful father and it's not going to happen again. Not now not ever

I've asked Dane to contact his uncle as soon as we get home, we need to higher top security for the house and for Elodie. If that means not letting her out then so be it but everything we're going to do is for her

We promise to keep her safe

We promise to keep her safe

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