Cat and Mouse

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Warnings: none

Summary: You're called the Vixen because you were HYDRA's favorite creation. You're very hard to catch, and once you are, it's even harder to keep you.


Steve never thought he would fall for a super soldier after declaring that most of them are toxic. Yes, he and Bucky are both toxic which is why they don't usually have a girl hanging off their arm. However, as soon as Steve saw you, that whole notion went flying out the window. He was sent on a solo mission since he could do it on his own. It was only a track and report mission, so he was comfortable doing it on his own.

Oh how wrong he was about that.

As soon as Steve arrives, there are bodies everywhere. Bodies that shouldn't be dead. Someone else has been here, and if they were looking for the same thing as him, then the reports could very well be gone. He doesn't let his team know right away until he knows what's going on. He doesn't want to worry people for no reason.

The trail of bodies lead him to a room where he assumes is where the reports would have been. The place is ransacked, but the culprit is standing in the middle of the room placing the files in a secure folder.

"What do you think you're doing?"

The figure looks up and Steve is stunned by her beauty. You know you've been caught, but you're not going to let him catch you. You close the folder and place it in the backpack on your back before smirking.

"You're going to have to catch me, Cap, if you want these reports."

Steve rushes at you executing a fight, but you're quicker and more agile than he is. You slither around him and jump on a bookcase, climbing to the top of it. You run and jump onto another bookcase next to it, making your way around the room and over to the highest one. With all your strength, you jump onto the high beam that's stretching across the ceiling before lifting yourself onto it. There is a skylight inside the room, so all you have to do is get to the escape hatch that the builders put there for emergencies.

Steve doesn't have any time to comprehend what is going on because you're already escaping. You swing from the rafters and kick the glass panel, swinging yourself through the small opening.

"See you later, Captain," you smirk and disappear from sight.

Steve stutters as he tries to wrap his head around what just happened. You took everything that he needed, so there is no reason for him to be here anymore. He returns to the other Avengers empty handed, and Tony isn't happy about that.

"You're telling me you got nothing?" Tony says angrily.

"Did you not hear what happened? She didn't give me time to react to her. She was already out the escape hatch before I could get a word out."

"Do you have the footage?"

Tony has upgraded everyone's suits to include a camera so that everyone else can see what they do and how a mission is done. Steve sighs and gives his suit to Tony who hooks it up to Jarvis who plays the footage. The trail of bodies, you taking the files, and you escaping dramatically is all on film.

"I can't believe it," Bucky chuckles.

"What? Do you know her?" Steve wonders.

"Finally, Vixen escaped Hydra. She's hard to get."

"Her name is Vixen?"

"Well, it's Y/N, but she earned the nickname Vixen after she lost her temper with the other soldiers. You don't want to get on her bad side. I learned that the hard way," Bucky smiles at the memory.

"Is there anything else you can tell me about her? She took the reports that we clearly needed."

"She was the type of person that didn't want you to know what she was up to until it was evident that you needed to know. She loved playing cat and mouse with Hydra. Whenever they let her off her leash, she would go rogue until they finally captured her and beat her back into shape. When they trusted her to go out again, she'd pull the same shit.

"I'm surprised she's out. Hydra has a soft spot for her. She's their favorite. If she took those reports, it isn't to turn them over to Hydra, I can tell you that right now. I can't tell you if she is on our side or not, but she definitely isn't on theirs... not after what they put her through. I'm a walk in the park compared to her, and you know how bad I turned out.

"If you want to find her, try looking at museums. She was always fond of art museums, but I don't know if that has changed."

"Thanks, Buck," Steve nods.

"Get those reports back, Rogers," Tony says, tossing him his suit.

Steve doesn't wear his suit because he doesn't want you to feel suffocated if he finds you. Instead, he wears jeans, a simple t-shirt, and a ball cap. He will try the art museums, and if he can't find you there, then he'll put on the suit and find you as Captain America. The first museum he tries is the Metropolitan Museum of Art since it is the most famous one in New York.

You're either there because there are so many people or you're not for the same reason.

Steve pays for his ticket and walks up and down the aisles, keeping an eye out for the beauty that he saw earlier. He's not usually into soldiers since he knows the baggage that comes with it, but you're so beautiful that he thinks it might be worth it.

Like he predicted, you're sitting on the bench in front of abstract art with a notebook in your hand. You're sketching what you see, an interpretation of the art before you. There are a lot of people at the museum, but not a lot in the section you're in.

"Didn't know you were into art, doll," Steve says and takes a seat next to you.

"It's calming, soldat," you whisper, speaking French at the end.

"Bucky told me where to find you."

"As I knew he would. He was Hydra's second favorite."

"Where are the reports?"

"Somewhere safe."

"Not good enough."

"Captain, trust that I know what I'm doing," you say and set your pencil down to look at him. You're even more beautiful up close. "Those reports don't belong in the hands of Hydra or the Avengers. I'm on my own team now."

"Tony wants those reports."

"Yeah, well, tell him if he wants it, then he can come get it. I love a chase," you smirk and wink at him.

Steve smiles and shakes his head. He gets up with the intention of leaving you to your own devices. Tony isn't going to be happy, but he can tell you're one of the good ones.

"I'll see you around, Y/N."

"Hopefully soon," you quip back and go back to drawing.

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