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Warnings: angst, picking a fight with wakanda

Summary: Wakanda accepted you into their world with the promise that they're going to erase whatever Hydra did to you. Shuri knows the exact process she went through with Bucky. The only problem is that you're a bit more complicated than him, therefore, the process will be different than Shuri hopes.


Wakanda is bigger than you thought it was going to be. Maybe it's because of the trees they hide behind, it makes the space much smaller from the outside. T'Challa welcomes you with open arms, but you don't feel very welcomed because of what you're about to do. Shuri is more than happy to help you like she did with Bucky but you don't have high hopes.

This is the last time you're going to see Steve in a long time, so better make it count while you can.

"I hate leaving you," you sniffle.

"I'll be right here when you're healed. Take however long you need. I'll wait for you."

You kiss him with everything you've got. If you're going to go to sleep for the next two years, you better dream about this kiss. Shuri knows the process that Bucky went through, so she hopes things go smoothly for you. After parting from Steve, you're immediately put into cryostasis.

You've been this way for the next year as Shuri takes digital scans of your brain and tries to remove the trigger words from your head. She has to go nerve by nerve and test them for the trigger words before using Wakanda technology to remove it from that particular nerve. It's a grueling process that takes a lot of time.

With hopes that you're like Bucky, she wakes you up after a year to see if the trigger words are completely out of your mind. If not, she'll put you under again and continue to work. Coming out of cryostasis is like waking up from a long sleep. It feels hazy and you're disoriented, but once you see Shuri in her lab, you know exactly where you are.

"Did it work?" you mumble.

"We're going to see. Кровопролитие–bloodshed. Восемнадцать–eighteen. Эхо–echo. Гибкий–flexible. Безрассудный–reckless. Десять–ten. Элегантный–elegant. Сломанный–broken. Источник–origin. Предавать–betray."

Shuri watches with a careful eye to see your reaction to the words. You keep your eyes trained on Shuri the entire time, but after ten minutes of complete silence, you take a deep breath in.

"It worked. I don't feel anything differently."

"Let me go get my brother. Please wait right here."

Shuri scampers off, and as soon as you're alone, your whole demeanor changes. Your eyes darken in color, your body becomes stiff, and your alter ego flourishes. She lied in order to be set free. She only has one thing in mine and that's to kill the Avengers. They made her ago away and if she gets rid of them, then she'll be truly free from you.

"Нет выживших," you mutter.

No survivors.

Shuri's been working on new weapons for her brother to try out and they're scattered throughout her lab. You grab the first one you see and make your way to the entrance of the lab. Two guards stand outside with spears in their hands, ready to fight whoever poses a threat but you have other plans for them. You sling the weapon you stole over your shoulder with the shoulder strap and grab two sharp tools.

You walk through the arch entrance and stab the tools into both of the guards' necks. They gasp in pain and go down like flies, and you step over them since they're not your real targets. You don't care if they die or not; all you care about is getting the hell out of here to take down the Avengers.

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