Making Amends

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Warnings: angst, minor fluff, taking responsibility for your actions as Vixen

Summary: Now you're free from Hydra, you have a lot of people you need to apologize to. Your therapist thinks it's a good idea to do this, but why is it so damn hard to come up with the words?


Not only are you shocked that you're back here, you're shocked that they let you come back. Wakanda is a great ally if you treat them with the same respect. If you pick a fight with them, they tend to bite back harder. After what you did to them, you're surprised they aren't shoving spears at your neck.

T'Challa agreed to meet with you and hear what you have to say. He didn't have to do it. He didn't have to do anything to help you, and the fact that you spit in his face when you did... Nothing can change that, but what you can do now is own up to all the bad things you've ever done.

At least, that's what your therapist says you should do.

You step off the Quinjet alone and walk to the massive castle. The guards don't greet you with open arms, but they don't harm you due to T'Challa's orders. Without saying a word, they take you to the throne room where everyone who is important is gathered. The elders of each tribe, Queen Ramonda, Shuri, the generals of the soldiers, and the King himself are inside the room.

Okoye gives you a glare as you pass by her, but you don't say a word to her. Shuri has a cautious look on her face, but she wants to hear what you have to say. The guards who escorted you leave the room so you're left in the room alone with everyone else.

It's now or never.

"I want to start off by saying that what happened two years ago was not okay. I should have never threatened you, your people, and your land. I was in a bad mindset, but that is no excuse for what I did to you. I appreciate what you have done for me, Shuri, more than you could ever know.

"Thanks to you, I am finally able to put Hydra behind me, and I am trying to right some wrongs. You didn't have to help me, but you did, and I betrayed you the first chance I got. For that, I am so very sorry. I'm very sorry," you whisper. "I'm very sorry to you, Shuri, for betraying your trust. I am sorry to you, Okoye, for hurting you and your soldiers. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me."

T'Challa approaches you with an unreadable look on his face. You hold your breath as you wait for him to say something. He could ban you right here and now, but he does something you don't expect. He holds out his hand for a handshake.

"All is forgiven. It's time to move on from it all."

You're so overwhelmed by his generosity that you actually give him a hug. He chuckles and hugs you back knowing this means the world to you. Seeing their King forgive you means that everyone else can too.

"Thank you so much," you whisper.

"You're always welcome here," he says and pulls away from you.

One down, many more to go.

You're on a mission to apologize to everyone you have ever wronged. It's hard knowing that you caused so much pain, and using the Hydra excuse isn't going to cut it. Whatever Shuri did to you worked, and you'll be forever in her debt.

You needed to go to Wakanda alone because this is something you needed to overcome by yourself. So, as soon as you were done, you headed back home. Most of the Avengers are out, but Natasha and Sam are hanging out in the kitchen eating whatever pie he made. She giggles at something he said, and they both look up when you enter.

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