- 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝟎𝟎𝟒

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𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐲
-𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝟒-

Stevie held onto Eddie's arm and excitedly dragged him over to the apartment complex that had a lot of glass windows. Camila and Billy buzzed the buzzer beside the door and waited.

"Rod, hey. It's.. uh, Billy Dunne." Billy said nervously when the door opened. "And the Dunne brothers. We met at the staircase in Pittsburgh. You said I could call."

"But you didn't call, you're just.. here."

Stevie looked away because of the awkward tension in the air and bit back her laugh.

"Could we have ten minutes of your time?" Billy asked. Rod just stepped away from the door and the band entered, following him out to the back of the complex where the pool was.

After taking a seat, Billy began talking.

"We need gigs."

"On the strip if possible," One of the others chimed in. "The whiskey.. yeah and a place to stay."

Stevie wasn't paying attention at all. She was at the other end of the pool, putting her cigarette out on the concrete and making, what was supposed to be a smiley face, with the ash.

"Sure. Yeah man. Anything else?" Rod said sarcastically which caught Stevie's attention. "Are you a bunch of fucking idiots?" She heard when walking over. "Do you really think this is how it works? You show up to the town and somebody hands you a key to the city? A sit-down with Teddy Price."

"You said, y'know when we were back in Pittsburgh—"

"I'm a tour manager not a band manager. So unless you guys are planning a world tour in the near future, I don't think i'm your guy, man."

"We're not asking for handouts. We work our asses off, man." Billy argued.

"Listen to me, you seem like nice people and if you're the band i'm thinking of, your set was kinda tight." Rod winced. "So what i'm gonna do is i'll make a call. One call. To my guy over at Filthy's."

"Filthy's.. is that a club?" Eddie frowned.

"It's more of a bar than a rock club but it's on the strip." Rod corrected. "We'll take it if it's possible.. thank you." Stevie said, picking up on how difficult the group were being.

"That's all I can do."

"It's a great start." Billy said. "I mean that's more than we can ask for."

"Now," Rod breathed, "if there's nothing else.."

"Yes sir." Billy stood. "Thank you!" Stevie said one last time before they disappeared.

Graham on the other hand stayed back for a moment.


"Give me that," Stevie snatched the cigarette box from Eddie whilst Graham spoke on the phone. Eddie grinned at her and poked her in the side, earning himself a smack on the chest.

"So, I mean.. uh, you know, the thing is. I mean all of us were really impressed not just me and maybe now is a good time for a change of scenery—"

Billy took the phone, moving his brother away.

"Karen, it's Billy Dunne."

Whilst he continued the call, Stevie and Eddie continued fighting with one another like children. "Eddie— Eddie stop!" She scolded, grabbing his wrist and holding them away from her.

"I'm not doing anything!" He teased, fighting against her grip.

Billy looked over his shoulder at Stevie and nodded to her. She raised a brow and took the phone from him. "Hi, Karen."

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐲 ᵈᵃⁱˢʸ ʲᵒⁿᵉˢ & ᵗʰᵉ ˢⁱˣWhere stories live. Discover now