Chapter Five: A Monkey of a King

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The crew gathered on the boat as Sandy skillfully steered it through the open waters. They had been at sea for a couple of hours now, and boredom had settled in among everyone. MK was currently practicing with Monkey King's staff, while DJ watched him with mild interest.

"Halt, evil monster! I must thwart thee! For I am the Monkey Ki—ahhh!" 

MK declared dramatically, but his control over the staff slipped. The golden staff extended suddenly, breaking part of the boat and nearly hitting DJ.


DJ yelled, jumping back in alarm. MK looked sheepish as he quickly retracted the staff. 

"Sorry! I didn't mean for it to do that!"

DJ sighed heavily. MK noticed that DJ had been more agitated than usual ever since they left the harbor. Concerned, he walked over and sat beside her.

"You okay, sis?" 

He asked gently. He could tell something was bothering her.

"I'm fine. It's just... can I stay on the boat when we get there?" 

DJ's voice was small, almost pleading.MK immediately understood. 

"Oh yeah, you're afraid of monkeys. Well, Monkey King isn't anything like the ones you're afraid of."

"That's what you think. You don't know what I've seen." 

DJ mumbled, hugging her knees to her chest. She looked genuinely shaken. MK frowned, trying to imagine what could have traumatized her so badly. 

"I guess you can stay on the boat. But Monkey King might come on board once we get him to come with us. I'll do my best to keep you at a distance from him if it'll make you feel better."

DJ managed a small smile at MK's attempt to comfort her. 

"Thanks, kiddo."

Suddenly, MK noticed a glowing light ahead. 

"Flower Fruit Mountain! We're here!"

Just then, a geyser erupted, spraying water everywhere and causing the boat to lurch. The crew screamed and clung to the rails as the flaming mountains loomed into view. Sandy called out over the noise.

"Welcome to the Flaming Mountains, gang! A volcanic ring surrounds the mountain, making it virtually impassable. This path is the only safe way through. That's as close as the boat can get. Just... be careful."

The crew disembarked and began their trek. Pigsy grumbled to himself as they walked. 

"Stupid Sandy. Stupid Tang. Staying cozy on his stupid boat. What did I do to deserve this, Noodle Gods?"

His complaints were cut short by a sudden eruption of fire from the ground. Pigsy nearly fell but was caught by Mei.

"Careful, Pigsy. Geez, you gotta wonder why Monkey King decided to live here of all places."

MK took the opportunity to share some lore. 

"You know, when Monkey King had to get through the Flaming Mountains, he actually used Princess Iron Fan's fan to blow out the flames."

A mocking laugh echoed from above. The crew looked up to see Princess Iron Fan descending on a tornado. She sneered at MK.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you a little Monkey King fanboy? But I'll be taking that staff now. Hand it over, boy, and we won't have any problems."

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