Chapter Seven: Bad Weather

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It's been 3 weeks since the city was attacked by the Demon Bull King, and the city is gradually rebuilding itself from the extensive damage. The team is gathered on Sandy's boat, with DJ and Mei listening to MK as he animatedly recaps the intense battle for the 16th time today.

"And I was all like, 'Stop right there, Demon Bull King.' And D.B.K. was all like, 'You can't stop me! I'm crazy!' Then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech!"

MK, lost in his retelling, plunges his golden staff into the boat's deck, inadvertently causing a leak.

"Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak there." Mei observed, her tone a mix of amusement and mild concern. 

MK's eyes widened in panic, but DJ quickly stepped in to calm him. 

"Oh, relax kid, it's fine. We'll help Sandy fix it later." She said reassuringly.

Ever since the incident with DJ, MK had kept her secret as promised. In return, he had learned a lot about his big sister. He couldn't help but feel a deep sympathy for her. DJ had lost everything in one night: her home was burned down, and her father was killed, all due to a sudden, uncontrollable power that had awakened within her. This power, which had transformed her into a mindless beast capable of immense destruction, was both terrifying and mysterious.

After MK had listened to DJ recount her backstory, his mind swirled with questions. How could such a power emerge so suddenly? Was it always dormant within them, lying in wait? Or was it some sort of curse that had struck her father and her on that fateful night? The more he pondered, the more his brain buzzed with uncertainty. MK made a mental note to ask DJ more questions. Maybe she could shed some light on the enigmatic power? 

As MK's thoughts trailed off, he was jolted back to reality by a frustrated voice.

"I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop, and I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!" Pigsy's voice was sharp with irritation as he confronted the group.

Tang, lounging comfortably and munching on noodles, turned his head slightly towards Pigsy. "Oh, Piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone," he said in a calm, unconcerned tone.

"Yeah! Time off never hurt nobody," MK chimed in enthusiastically, sliding in between the two of them.

"Look out!" Sandy's sudden warning rang out as a giant crate above them started to topple. Pigsy and Tang quickly scrambled out of the way, but MK wasn't so fortunate; the crate crashed down directly on top of him.

"MK!" Pigsy's voice was a mix of worry and fear, dreading that his adopted son might be seriously hurt. DJ, standing on the sidelines, seemed unusually composed. Before the Demon Bull King attack, she would have reacted with much more alarm. Now, her demeanor was unsettlingly calm. In her defense, if it had been a person attacking her brother, she'd definitely be more concerned. Plus, MK had proven his resilience, surviving even a laser blast from the Demon Bull King. If he could survive that, a falling crate seemed trivial.

A bright golden light began to shine from under the crate, and MK emerged, standing triumphantly on top of it. "I... am... invincible!" he declared, his voice filled with exuberance.

Everyone sighed in collective relief. Mei dashed off somewhere, while Pigsy stepped closer to MK, ready to lecture him.

"Look, MK, just because you got the Monkey King's powers and all, it doesn't mean-"

But before Pigsy could finish, they all gasped in horror as Mei reappeared, carrying a bazooka.

"MK, how about this baby?" Mei launched a missile straight at MK, who emerged unscathed.

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