Chapter Six: The End of the Beginning

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As DJ and MK strolled toward the beach, their conversation began to flow.

"You did it! You didn't freak out when you saw Monkey King! No screaming or anything!" 

MK exclaimed, pride evident in his tone.

"I was internally screaming. Especially after I kicked him into a wall." 

DJ admitted with a slight grimace.

"Did you really have to kick him though?" 

MK asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I was worried about you and my brain went on autopilot!" 

DJ replied, shrugging. MK rolled his eyes at her excuse before posing another question.

"Sure you were... How was it? Meeting Monkey King, I mean?"

"Well, he's not as scary-looking as I thought. And he doesn't seem as violent as the stories made him out to be, or else I would've been dead by now."

"I was actually surprised you managed to take him down with one kick." 

MK said, still in awe.

"He was probably just caught off guard.... So..... about you being his successor." 

DJ inquired, tilting her head slightly.

"Hey, I was surprised too! When we met, he told me I was perfect to be his successor since I could lift his staff and basically survived demons."

"And you just agreed to be his successor?" 

DJ asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well. Um... yeah?" 

MK replied sheepishly.

"You do realize that this could bring a lot of danger to our doorstep, right?"

"Yeah, but since Monkey King will be training me, we'll be fine!" 

MK responded confidently.

"You know what, I'm gonna sit in on your training sessions. You know, to make sure you don't get too hurt."

"Are you saying you're gonna swallow your fear and follow me to train with Monkey King? The same one you were so scared of interacting with earlier?" 

MK asked, surprised.

"Yep. This is just to make sure you're okay. Got it?" 

DJ affirmed. MK nodded and smiled, slightly proud of his big sister for her bravery. As they reached the beach, a realization hit MK like a truck.


He exclaimed. DJ looked around, hearing some chattering, and glanced down to see at least a dozen monkeys.

"Oh, um, hey there, little guys." 

She said, crouching down to their level. MK followed her gaze and raised an eyebrow. 

"What the- Why are there so many monkeys here?"

DJ shrugged and knelt down. 

"Hey, so, um, my brother and I need a way off this island. Got anything to help us?"

The monkeys chattered among themselves before leading DJ and MK to a massive crate. It seemed to have come off Sandy's boat. The monkeys opened it to reveal a jet. MK's jaw dropped at the sight, but DJ just patted the monkeys' heads in thanks before dragging MK to the jet.

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