Chapter Eight: Friend From Back Then

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It had only been a couple of hours since the incident at the weather station, and DJ had woken up a short while ago. It was now midnight, and she lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Her mind was a whirlpool of thoughts, primarily focused on her recent encounter with the Monkey King. Questions swirled incessantly: How did the Monkey King know so much about her monkey form? Had he met someone else in a similar predicament? DJ sighed deeply, these questions gnawing at her. She decided that perhaps a walk might help clear her mind.

DJ descended the stairs quietly and discovered MK rummaging through the kitchen once again. She cleared her throat, startling MK, who turned around with a steamed bun in his mouth and a container clutched protectively to his chest. DJ sighed at her brother's habitual late-night snacks.

"Really, MK? You couldn't wait until morning?" she asked, her annoyance barely concealed.

"I got hungry, okay! I'm a growing boy and I need food! It's not my fault I'm like this!" he retorted defensively.

DJ's eyes narrowed as she noticed the container in his hand. "Is that my leftover sesame noodles?" she demanded, her glare intensifying.

MK began to sweat, clearly nervous about his sister's reaction. DJ sighed again, sensing his fear. Normally, she might have pounced on him, but it was too late, and she was too tired to engage in a chase. Besides, her thoughts were occupied with more pressing matters.

"You know what? You can have it. I probably would have let it spoil in the fridge anyway. It's too late to fight over food," DJ said, her voice tinged with fatigue.

MK looked at his sister in shock. She never gave up her noodles. He sensed something was amiss. Sighing, he sat on a stool and patted the one next to him. "Alright, sit down."

DJ raised an eyebrow but complied. "Now, what's bothering you? You never give up your noodles," MK inquired, concern evident in his voice.

DJ sighed, realizing her brother had seen through her. "I don't know. It's just the whole Monkey King thing. It woke me up from my sleep. I know I should wait for answers, but I can't stop questioning why he knows so much about my form. Could he have met someone in the same situation as me? Tell me, is there anyone in the Journey to the West book with a story similar to mine?" DJ asked, her frustration clear.

MK scratched his head, trying to remember. "Sorry, I only really recall the Monkey King's adventures. The rest is pretty blurry. We could ask Mr. Tang. He's a huge history buff and knows a lot about the book. Even if it's not in the book, he could look through history for someone similar to you," he suggested.

DJ shook her head. "No, if we ask him if anyone in the book had a monkey form but wasn't an actual monkey, he'll start asking why. I don't want to risk him finding out yet," she explained.

"Speaking of which, when do you plan on telling everyone?" MK asked, curious.

"I honestly don't know. Maybe when I'm old and wrinkly and on my deathbed?" DJ replied nervously.

MK sighed. "You can't keep the secret that long. They're going to find out sooner or later, and if you don't tell them beforehand, they might be hurt and think you don't trust them," he pointed out.

DJ nodded thoughtfully.

"Either way, you have to tell them. Preferably soon, but also at your own pace. Do it when you feel the time is right, but don't wait too long. A lot can happen in that time, making the wait even longer," MK advised wisely.

DJ looked at her younger brother in surprise. She had never heard him speak so maturely. She smiled, realizing he was growing up. "Alright. I'll keep that in mind," she said, ruffling his messy hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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