Chapter 6

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I spent a few hours sitting on the grass, staring up at the moon. Its serene light seemed to be the only thing capable of calming the storm inside me. The thought of heading back to the castle felt unbearable. There were moments when I longed to be human, free from the burdens of eternal life and endless complications.

Sure, humans had their existential crises, but I believed there were far worse fates than death. Maybe I should've let Abaddon send me into the void.

But deep down, I knew that running away wasn't an option. Abaddon had revealed a dark truth, and I couldn't ignore it. The Devil's actions had torn apart the fabric of our world, and if I didn't confront him, who would? The rage that had simmered within me earlier now solidified into a steely resolve.

I pushed myself to my feet, brushing the dirt from my clothes. The castle awaited, a looming symbol of everything I needed to face. There was no turning back now. With one last glance at the calming moon, I steeled myself for the battle ahead. The Devil needed to be held accountable, and I was determined to see it through, no matter the cost.

Sucking in the air, I stood up from the ground and finally opened up a portal. I entered it and stepped out in front of the door of the castle. I pushed the heavy iron door and walked inside but the moment the door closed behind me, I noticed no other than King Paimon himself approaching me. His hair cascaded in long, silken waves of pure white, a striking contrast to the rich, white gold crown perched atop his head. The crown was intricately adorned with precious stones that glimmered like captured starlight. Paimon stood tall, an imposing figure with a slender, almost ethereal build. His androgynous face was framed by his flowing hair, the tan complexion giving him an exotic allure. Full, sensuous lips completed his visage, adding an enigmatic charm to his already mesmerizing appearance.

Being the Devil's right hand, it made me wonder what he could've possibly wanted from me. Naturally, there were a number of reasons but if Paimon was sent then it had to be relatively serious. It meant whatever was about to happen, the Devil wasn't ready to get his hands dirty. Paimon approached me slowly and gracefully and stood before me looking taller than a mountain.

"Follow me." Paimon demanded curtly. He only glanced at me once and turned around. Without responding, I started walking behind him. To be honest, I had never expected him to be this rude but apparently if one were to work for the Devil for so long, his attitude would begin to rub off on them. I expected to go up to the boss's office but it seemed like that wasn't the case. We were going downstairs for some time now and it started to concern me. Could I not have one calm day anymore?

"Excuse me, but where are we going?" I brought up the confidence to ask. The white-haired demon didn't reply, he just continued descending another set of stairs. It was at this point when I started hearing screams and cries coming out from the basement. That was when it started dawning on me where we were headed to. It was a prison where so many lost and damaged souls resided. Among them were also many unruly demons and apparently now me.

I stopped in my tracks instantly and attempted to flee, but a couple of demons charged up the stairs at Paimon's command. They seized my arms and forcefully pushed me down the stairs. I tumbled down the last few steps, landing in the basement. The fall wasn't too bad, and I immediately sat up, turning to face Paimon.

"What is this for?!" I hissed, my voice echoing in the confined space. Footsteps approached from behind, and then I heard a familiar voice.

"Well, Asmodeus, you have come a long way to get here." The Devil said through a smirk. I quickly got up, turning towards him and the two demons instantly came up behind me to hold me in place. He was staring straight into my eyes, his face looking even grimmer than usual.

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