Chapter 16

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Loki and I were walking side by side towards the gate of Hell but neither of us uttered a word. The turmoil in me was very much alive but him, on the other hand, seemed like he couldn't wait to cross the border. I scanned his demeanor and then just shook my head after I quickly came to terms with who I was dealing with. 

Soon enough, we arrived at the gate and I looked up at the black clouds surrounding it, knowing it was Astaroth. I hoped he held onto his end of the deal. Despite not being able to see his face, I knew he was being rather hesitant and I fully understood that. Loki glanced at me with a questioning look but I just kept staring at the black fog above the gate. After a few minutes, the gate slowly started opening and I felt almost a mountain of stress leaving my body.

"For a second I thought he wasn't going to let us in," I mumbled to Loki once we were far enough from Astaroth.

"He?" Loki asked, confused and turned around, looking back at the gate.

"That black cloud was a demon..." I explained and he gasped in surprise and fixed his gaze on me.

"Oh wow..." Loki mumbled, glancing one last time behind him. "Not even I noticed anything different."

"Astaroth is of the highest rank. He doesn't fool around." I chuckled silently. That was when I noticed we were approaching the palace. I stopped in my tracks and grabbed Loki by the arm to stop him. "Before we go in, you are to be introduced as the lesser demon of lust. That way it makes more sense why you'd be hanging out with me most of the time. Although I doubt they'd question much when you look like... that." I commented and Loki raised an eyebrow, pulling his arm out of my grip.

"So... what you're saying is..." he began as he stepped towards me, being almost inches away,"I'd be under you?"

I slightly frowned, wondering what exactly he was trying to accomplish. "Keep talking like that and I'll begin thinking you're attracted to me as well." I smirked and Loki suddenly backed away a few steps. "Well, now I'm almost insulted." I said sarcastically and still kept the smirk on my face as Loki continued to glare at me.

I didn't let him add anything else to the conversation, as I walked towards the door of the palace. He followed silently right behind me until we reached the door and I looked at him one last time to check if he was ready. Loki quickly nodded and I pushed the door open. Just like I anticipated, upon our entry into the palace, demons stopped their movements one by one, their attention irresistibly drawn towards Loki. While there were certainly female demons present, Loki possessed a unique allure that set him apart. It was the specific blend of godly charisma and the gentle features of Nordic deities.

It was rather amusing watching all these demons being absolutely charmed by a sole presence.

I looked at Loki to see his reaction and, indeed, there was a small smile playing on his lips. It was like he was taking in all the attention with pure amusement. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard to convince others that he was a lesser demon of lust.

"Follow me." I said to Loki before he got too used to the attention and it became hard to pull him away from the crowd. He looked over at me and nodded with a small smile and eyes that sparkled with curiosity and confidence.

I started making my way towards the top of the palace in order to inform the Devil about the newcomer. I quite feared his reaction but it consoled me that he was not in his right mind at the moment. That only meant his senses were most likely off or at least not that good as usual.

When we got on top of the staircase we were met by the Devil's assistant whose eyes immediately averted towards Loki. There was a bit of fear as well as odd fascination in them but then the demon quickly got up from the chair and said,

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