Chapter 9

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The sun was slowly rising in the horizon while I was still seated in the same spot, my eyes wide open. Throughout the entire night my mind was filled with all how's and why's only to never come to any conclusion. There wasn't any new idea or clarity that had come to me in all this time. All I knew was that no matter where I'd wind up in the future, it'd be a step closer to doom. Quite a conveying message that was.

I looked over to Loki who was peacefully sleeping, surprising his snoring wasn't as bad this time. Or maybe I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice it. I slowly rose up and walked up to him before I started lightly shaking him.

"Wake up, we need to go." Despite my attempts, he wasn't waking up so I started shaking him even harder. He instantly shot his eyes open, looking very startled before he quickly sat up. He looked like he was about to swing at me before he realized I was a familiar face. His hands reached up to his face and he started rubbing his eyes.

"Shit, you really need to be gentler." Loki mumbled.

"You weren't responding at first." I explained myself to which he didn't reply. He just grunted softly and finally got up to his feet. His eyes glazed over every spot in this small ruin before fixating his gaze on me.

"Wow, everything's in one piece. I'm impressed that you managed to survive the night." He laughed and I had to roll my eyes. I didn't know how he had the energy to make fun of me already. That only meant that he had a good sleep. Hopefully he'd stop grumbling and get us out of this place soon. "Did you take my sword?" Loki asked with a small frown as he took the jacket that he used as a pillow and put it on.

"Yeah, I had to be on guard." I said and picked it up from the ground where I had been sitting previously. "Good thing no one disturbed us, we would both be dead by now." He grumbled once again as I handed him the sword. The sword soon disappeared inside his coat again.

"Stop being a dick and get us out of here." I huffed and headed out of the ruin and waited for him to finally get out as well. It took a bit but soon Loki was dragging the summoning table outside. I grimaced in confusion, having no idea what he was up to. Once the table was out in the grass, he released it and looked up at me.

"We're summoning Freyr." The demigod mumbled, leaving me puzzled. Didn't they have telepathy like us demons have? Did they have to do this every time they wanted to meet up with each other? The only time I saw anyone summoning anything was the humans. This was actually the first time I actually saw someone prepare the summoning. This is equivalent to how new generations of humans feel when they see someone use a landline, I thought. I didn't comment, however, I didn't know if it would disturb the process. I just stood nearby watching him work.

At once, the sword was out again and he used the blade to draw blood from his palm. The red liquid started pouring out excessively then he turned his palm upwards and dipped one finger in the small pool that was forming. He started drawing on the table with his finger, the image gaining a resemblance of a rune. Having been illiterate when it came to runes, I had no idea which one it was. Although from the brief research I had I knew that each relatively important deity had their own rune in the Norse world. This one must've been for Freyr. It looked rather simple as it was diamond-shaped. There wasn't anything else to it, just a flipped square. Who knew that such a simple drawing could hold so much power.

Once painting was done, he placed his bloodied palm in the center of the square, beginning to talk in a hushed voice. I tried to come a little closer to understand him better only to realize he was speaking in Old Norse. The language sounded very intimidating, especially since his hushed voice began sounding even more intense. It sounded like his low yet loud voice was spreading through the energy field in the area. The blood from his hand started forming a circle around the rune. At once the cracks of light started breaking through the pathway blood made and the rune itself. Loki removed his palm from the table after a few seconds and the light subdued, only merely gleaming.

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