Chapter 14

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Lucifer laid there at the floor of the cage, his body appearing to be shriveling up. The skin was cracking, revealing black scales underneath it. It was a sight I didn't think I would forget easily. He was resembling a carcass even more now, there was only a faint spark of life within him.

"Do you think the Devil will feel anything when Lucifer's gone from Astral?" I suddenly asked, turning my head towards Abaddon.

"Honestly..." he began, taking a deep breath and approached the cage. "All I can say is good luck once he does." I was certain my head spun upon hearing the answer. "Their energies are still connected even though their bodies aren't." Abaddon added, taking out a large metal key from a pocket of his cloak.

It was needless to say I wasn't ready for whatever was going to come after this. But at the same time if the Devil were to lose his mind, it'd be easier to sneak Loki in. The Devil would be too busy wondering where the rest of him was. As much as there was a possibility of everybody else suffering his mental wreckage, it wasn't like any of them cared enough what happened to me because of the same Devil.

While I was going through mental preparations for what was about to come, Abaddon had already unlocked the cage and opened the gate. Almost instantly, the train of thoughts stopped as if it felt like the first time in a millennia that I was seeing Lucifer without bars between us. I immediately rushed over to the cage and lightly pushed Abaddon to the side. Even though it wasn't the best state I had seen Lucifer in, it was still better than nothing at all.

"I'll go in there and get him," I mumbled and before Abaddon could add anything, I squeezed through the entrance. Up close, the fallen angel had looked so aged. He was an extremely powerful being so his aging was a much slower process. This only proved further how much he needed our help. Regardless of it, Lucifer's beauty never faded.

I grabbed the chain that was tightened around his neck and with one stiff clutch of my hand, it broke in two. It seemed like the Devil didn't expect anyone to attempt getting Lucifer out. Then, slowly I put one arm under his legs and the other supporting his back, then cautiously stepped outside the cage.

"We need to be quick with this, I don't know how much longer he has." I looked over at Abaddon who was staring at us both with a slight frown.

"I'm aware." He quickly responded. "Follow me." He turned around and was about to head out before I stopped him.

"I thought Samael's area was in Hell." I inquired, narrowing my gaze.

"He's got several territories, so to speak. He can be in multiple places at the same time." Abaddon explained. While I knew Samael was a very powerful being, I didn't know his power extended so much.

Once we left the tower, we headed towards the north part of the realm. The one direction that was gloomier than the others. The further north we went, the darker surroundings became. The nature around us was fading, the ground underneath us slowly becoming concrete. The energy of the area grew denser but at the same time hollow. As if we were walking into death.

There wasn't much of talking between Abaddon and me as we strolled through the valley. I was still clutching onto Lucifer in my arms as if to shield him from whatever this area might bring upon him. It was then when I realized that we were indeed on the way to the Underworld and that while Lucifer might not die, he'd be gone for a long time. There wouldn't even be a carcass of him anymore. I wouldn't be able to see him for years to come. Only pieces of memories. I truly wondered how humans experienced the death of a loved one. The mundane life of theirs would force them to go on - as if everything was the same, as if they'd never lost anyone. For me, losing him was not in the list of things I was able to take. The more I was holding onto him, the harder it was allowing myself to let him go.

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